
Any idiot can see from the typos that that message was fake.

Most customer-centric company? That would be Apple. (Not without their faults, but constantly rated way ahead of everybody else.) But this? This is inexcusable. Bezos is letting his greed get the best of him. Trump should be singing his praises now. But then Amazon has never been about anything except making Bezos

A certain amount of free space is needed to keep the NAS from bogging down. So this advice is actually good for that reason. The question is, how much is needed?

His membrum virile?

Costco sells these massive jugs with spigots on the bottom So you pour it directly into the detergent hole. Of course, you’re guessing on the fly if you have enough. So your point is still valid for clumsy, ignorant roomies. :)

Now if only they would design their products to work right when we get them. Like shampoo and conditioner bottles with the opening on the bottom so we don’t have to balance the thing upside down in the shower to get the last bits out.

And the companies that want you to be addicted to their products are going to do everything they can to convince you they are not harming you while getting you addicted.

Absolutely. But the First Amendment is not a free pass to libel people. And he is in a position to be sued for libel, being on the raido. So all they have to prove is a willful disregard for the truth and malice. Any jury will jump on that like any morally compromised head of state on a Russian prostitute.

It’s time for this scumbag to get his due. Sue him into poverty! Let him live on Welfare for a while and see how his trips to Golden Corral won’t be covered by food stamps.

Since they have such an apparent affinity for Russia, let’s name one PutinMasher and see how that goes.

I guess Stan doesn’t understand the difference between slander and libel, and what the tests are for defining them. Just because some bozo blusters and yells and threatens doesn’t mean real news people will fold.

Every time I see Juliana I think, “What’s Jadzia Dax doing in this show?”

And it never occurred to you that maybe they use those tactics, because reason and facts don’t seem to move enterprises who benefit from polluting more than not polluting?

Oh man, the contrail nuts are going to have a field day with this one.

Statistics. Which goes to show, if you can’t fool ‘em with statistics, baffle ‘em with BS.

California alone will stand against this kleptocrat and force the nation to continue making cars more efficient. You want to sell in California? You meet our demands. And the courts will back up California on this. All those states’ rights advocates are hypocrites and fools if they think they can get away with

What’s wrong is you jumping to conclusions that have no merit.

I was in Brownback’s living room on the day he announced his candidacy for national office. (Newspaper photographer.) I knew right then there was something wrong with him.

Are you sure? Maybe someone paid off a crooked engineer and the state thought it was safe.

An Apple manager in the UK is going to have to resign. Cook will see to it.