
I read purely in the M/M romance world, but will be rubbernecking this thread for all the MRA comments! /Pulls out popcorn.


I loved that book but all the characters were horrible people. I’d go to a bachelor party with Holden Caulfield and Humbert Humbert before I went anywhere near Heathcliff and Cathy.

My husband gets the pot going; I remind him that today I’ll get up to fix my own cup instead of having him deliver one to me in bed, as is our routine.

A glass to that.

Your mum sounds rad as hell. Please thank her for the work she and other women did to make things easier and fairer for my generation.

I am silently screaming in rage (figuratively, not really) about this 41%. I’m a childless guy who has a gig where I could work from home but I prefer to work in the office, because it’s calmer and I like the sociability of the place. Two of my most beloved coworkers are mothers of pre-school children. Do these 41%

You had me at feminist retellings of fairy tales.

Some people seem to feel the need to really assert themselves in situations like that. If she does it again, just slow blink her or raise your eyebrows. It’s not quite an eyeroll, but it has the same effect.

I re-read stuff all the time. Everything from the classics to Stephen King, whatever I really love. If it’s well written, you can get so much more out of it on later go-rounds!

Think I’m in love :) he’s a musician and keeps the same bizarre hours I do....lol waiting for him to get here right now...in the meantime, “Girls Night Owl’t”

I reread Harry Potter constantly when I was a kid! I haven’t really reread books lately, but I did read the first two HP books around Christmastime, because I got into a bad car accident (well, bad for my now totaled car and my anxiety, but I’m physically okay) and I needed to read somehing familiar and comforting,

I’m traveling to ICELAND on Tuesday, and I’m so excited! I’m getting there early to check out some stuff, then I’m doing a 3 day horseback riding tour, and then I have another couple days to chill. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thoughts? Input? Freeeeee things to do?

Why is it difficult when our ex’s find someone new? We can be logical and rational but it’s still a punch to the chest. Plus it’s really difficult for your friends because they have to stand at least ten feet away from you, because they have to drive, and the red wine fumes coming off of you would put them over the

I passed the bar exam!! It was my second time taking it.

It has been three weeks, and the earthquake and aftershocks are still devastating Nepal. If you have some spare $, please consider clicking below and donating. We are a group of parents who have adopted from Nepal, and we are sending 100% of all donations back to Nepal. The money is being delivered by an officer of an

A couple of weeks ago I came here to talk about my cat who was dying of cancer. He died in my arms this morning at the vet. My heart is broken. Here is his picture, I hope. I’ve never tried to upload a picture. Anyway, his name was Fresca, he was almost 16, and I loved him so much.

I got Flowers For No Reason in this lovely vase stemless wineglass.

I can’t relate to this because no one has ever rejected me.

And they get a fucking Oscar for Male Suffering.