
I would have sent her one back that read “0 adults, 0 child” tbh that is so rude of your cousin.

How is this even a debate. You are only invited if your name is on the invitation. How did kids even start getting included at weddings anyway? It’s the least kid-friendly event ever. Most adults can barely make it through a ceremony without fidgeting, and the receptions are usually an “adult” party. I’m sure I’ll

Maybe it was the community I grew up in, but I find the kids will only eat ‘fun’ foods’ concept to be total BS. Yes, there are picky eaters but they’re not the default. Are they really only eating deep-fried meats or cheese-smoothered pasta at home?

the question of the etiquette surrounding whether or not to let kids come to your wedding...there’s no one correct answer.”

Classy and inclusive. It sets the tone for the day and your marriage.

I didn’t want kids at my wedding but my now husband gave me a heartbroken look when I said that so I pivoted and not only welcomed kids but hired two sitters to watch the kids and we even had a playground at our venue and reminded parents to bring a change of clothes for their kids. If kids are guests every effort

My fiance and I are not children people. We asked several family members and friend their thoughts on not having kids there, and they were are cool with it (to our faces). To drive home the point, our RSVP cards say “please note this event is for people aged 12+” cause that shit gets expensive. And we are cold,

You can’t touch a woman once she has Bieber cooties on her. Even one who looks like that.

that is the big idea. engagement hats and face tatooos. someone buy the website!!

But that’s not ghosting, you gave an explanation. I’m a chronic worrier, so while I would be angry if someone left me like that, I wouldn’t be consumed with worry that they got murdered.

See, another point: it is probably more likely to feel really good to be the ghoster than it is to feel really good about being ghosted. (Source: I have, in the past, felt great about being a ghoster, but I have never felt too great about wondering why the fuck someone I was cool with stopped talking to me.)

If it was Emma Watson, she could just do this again...

No, TheShopFella. Nice try.

“It’s Shake it Off, not Shake it Orf”

To be honest I’ve never wondered if Jeremy Renner is gay.

Ayo, Renner, just because you’re in Hollywood movies does not mean you’re a big star — don’t care if you’re quoting some made up person. You’re Hawkeye. You should know this because you agreed to do a SNL sketch about how dumb Hawkeye was.

I wonder if Taylor Swift has tried to get Emma Watson into her blonde, white lady club and Emma Watson is all, “I was Hermione, bitch, recognize your superiors.” That’s how I’m going to pretend it went down.

Hmmm. I take probiotics for digestion (moving a few thousand miles, you start eating different bacteria, and it can screw things up for a while), and I wonder if these are good for that too. I’m kinda resenting what I’m spending lately, and this is a lot cheaper than the stuff I’m using.