
This is so heart breaking. sometimes I wonder why on earth humans are in charge.


That sounds easier said than done! Was hoping it would be like ‘new underwear’ or ‘throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder and spin clockwise during the full moon’ :p

Any specific advice? Asking for a friend

Thanks - off to replace all my birth control with tic tacs

So what should we do then?!?!? If not more sex?

Sorry, that sounds awful :(

Hahah yeah mine is always ‘probably not well read’

Yep! I have one I was feeling bad about but he’s kind of pretentious and I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him. So I just enjoy the crush instead of being like ‘what if’

Campaign for a presidential shade special!

I'm in one with Michelle Obama right now

Would you consider a historic shade court? I feel there are hundreds of years of shady comments by presidents and other notable figures and we’re missing out on your analysis.


It might be that because you don’t experience it that much, you don’t look for it and so you don’t notice it. Like I might walk to work 9 times and not get hassled but the 10th time is the one I’ll remember so it’ll make the other 9 feel tense and I’ll be waiting for something, so I’ll feel like I got harassed a lot

That hasn’t been my experience but I’ve mentioned in a response to another person that I think people haven’t thought to check my ring hand in the past because I don’t look married. I look and dress quite young so people (women too) quite often assume and address me as Miss Surname even though a quick glance at my

Yeah I think that’s definitely a factor. I was very young by today’s standards when I got engaged, so people didn’t think to do a ring check. People mostly still default to calling me Miss Surname rather than asking or looking for a ring. Men and women do it.

Also some of the cat calling you get isn’t even based on implying you’re hot. I’ve got cat calls based on telling me to smile (classic), that I look cold, or that I’m a fat slag, as well as the more traditional ‘hey sexy’ type ones. It’s all based on informing us that we’ve been noticed by someone important enough to

I'm English and only ever lived in the UK, where small villages are not very harassy but towns and cities can be. It varies depending on what I'm wearing, doing, the weather, who I'm with etc etc so it's hard to tell really

I'll bring that up at the next meeting

LOVE this <3