
Yeah my knowledge of fraternities comes from movies (always reliable) and articles like this (which make them seem terrible) so I really don't get why they exist at all. When I was at uni we were just friends with people in our halls or from our course...

Where the fuck did this ‘all men’ shit even come from. I’ve literally never heard anyone in my entire life claim that all men rape. Or even that most men rape.

I think that’s the point that they think they’re making. The problem is that no one ever thought that all men were rapists. When I walk down the street I pass dozens of men every day who don’t rape me, so it’d be unfair of me if I did think that. Women feel unsafe because *enough* men are rapists that there is always

I think you get a campaign purely for not hitting them repeatedly in the face with the door then raping one of your young relatives. You don't actually have to hold it open or anything.

Where's your sign, huh?

Nope this was like, 8 years ago ish. He’s in his mid twenties now (as am I) and yeah that was his real name. Where I’m from it’s quite a common dog’s name but he’s the only human barney I know :p

Glad to hear it and I'm not surprised! Smear tests are the least sexy scenario ever. But thanks for doing them :)

Yeah I don’t think her heart was in the blow job idea, she definitely thought the butt was the way forward.

Ahaha I'd love to know the story behind this one!

Yeah ‘k’ is how you say ‘fuck you’ in the least amount of letters. Which makes it an even better ‘fuck you’ because it's chiller.

I feel like we at Jez could do our own version of this?! I bet there are commenters here with messages that need snarky feminist responses. It could be a regular thing like Saturday night social

Each to their own but it’s not something I’d open with (as it were)... And if I was trying to exchange sexual favours with a cop I’d probably start with something more generic like a blow job.

This is just a larger version of what I would do with my friends when a boy would text me, so I totally get it. When I perfect my time travel I'll set the clock for 2005 and use the hell out of this.

Yeah you’re right - I’ve certainly never worried about the nurse’s opinion of my vag while getting a smear test!


‘You can’t just go straight to the butthole, lady’

That looks like a tongue that's had a lot of really shitty alcopops since it was last cleaned

I feel that way about scented tampons.

This may sound stalky but you’re one of my fave commenters! I never knew you were a cosmetic surgeon (or the technically correct term) though. So now I hate you... Ha, no in all seriousness I think my comment was based on my own insecurities and also a bit of sexism, because I certainly wouldn’t worry about a female

I haven’t seen that for years, I might have to check it (him) out and see if the magic’s there. The problem in HoC is that he’s a complete psycho but I'd still totally fuck him #weirdo