
Yeah I would NOT want to sleep with a man who’d be like ‘could suck out that cellulite’, ‘those tits could be higher’ the whole time, even in his own mind.

Ooh yeah Kevin Spacey in House of Cards! But I don't feel good about it...



Ha my husband and father have the same name! But I never call my dad by his name, I call him Dad, so it's cool

I feel that way about all those names but I have hooked up with a Barney so wtf do I know

Yeah that's true - so much is to do with how you're built, but it's hard to quantify whereas weight is such an easy thing to measure changes in.

(TW weight issues) I’m white and this is a definite preoccupation for me. I can’t speak for other women but I know I put a lot of emphasis on being thinner than I am (I currently weigh 112 and am 5ft 4in so this is in context) because it seems to be constantly drummed into me from all sources that thinner = better,

I feel you so much!! I wear a LOT leggings these days. My fitness pal (the app, not a weirdly bossy friend) just told me off for what I ate for lunch. I can’t decide if being slim or eating yummy food makes me happier... also I hate how ridiculous we are as a society about being thin, but then me being fat isn’t going

They will have horrible lives regardless of what happens to them. Hurting animals is a key sign of something being deeply wrong with you, like it normally leads to crimes against humans.

Aww good! You’re doing wonderful things for those little animals, thank you! I’m glad those people are in the minority. It just seems so unnatural... When I was a child I just wanted to cuddle all the animals - never would have occurred to me to hurt one. I'm pretty horrible to some humans but they can look after

Monsters! I cannot understand people whose instinct when they see vulnerability is to torture it... That’s one thing that would shake me to the core if my kid did it :(

What business is it of hers anyway?! Delete/block anyone on Facebook who isn't actively making your newsfeed more pleasant. Your dog is adorable

Ignore the trolls! Whenever anyone comments anything on the internet some idiot will pop up to call them disgusting regardless of circumstance.

I think Jez is generally chill with non traditional relationships where everyone involved is equally happy with the situation. It reads from some of the things you’ve posted like you’re not in this as an equal - he plays games with you, you feel like you need to learn tricks to keep up, you don’t think there are

I totally feel you on the shorts-fear! The weird thing is I see women larger than me wearing shorts whenever it’s warm and don’t think anything of it, but have this irrational feeling that because I’m not built like a supermodel, some kind of short-warden will give me a ‘not hot enough for shorts’ ticket and send me

I'm so sorry. Lots of hugs to you xxx

Yeah that's what I meant by border. But England isn't a very long journey either.

Yeah I don’t have kids but that’s what I assumed. I can’t even imagine how she must feel. Go cuddle your child, stat!

God it’s so awful. I can’t even imagine what she’s going through. I guess we’ll find out what happened but I think yours is the most likely explanation