
I'm so sorry for her and for you having to deal with that situation. How fucking heart breaking. I hope she recovered in so far as you can from losing a child.

Oh good! Can't deal with Snape/Colonel Brandon being a rude dick to people in bakeries. Maybe he just got bad news!

Omg my husband and I say this all the time! We’re both veterans of hotel/restaurant work :p there's nothing like getting home from work at 3am with feet swollen to twice their normal width!

Oh yeah of course, I didn't mean by my comment that it would make things ok, just that from a practical pov it's what might help some women. I ought to find out more about Irish law actually as the case law you refer to is very interesting

Oh goodness that's really interesting - I never even considered women who aren't actually Irish. I mean whichever way you look at it the law is inadequate for protecting women, I thought that it might be easy enough to get around it as England is so close geographically but that doesn't make the law any better, and as

Hmmmm I’m still not sure!

Thanks! I’m British so I ought to know this stuff already but I wasn’t sure. I guess if you’re ok for money and can arrange your schedule you’d be ok although obv not ideal, but of course many women and especially girls won’t fit into that category, and by definition more of them will be needing or considering an

Well that’s awful. I hope she gets help. Poor everyone involved.

But if we haven’t reached peak equality for all people everywhere in every aspect of their lives then why on earth should we celebrate this massive win on behalf of gay people in Ireland?!

Can women in Ireland just come over the border (assuming they aren’t in a position where they are prevented from doing so by a parent or partner of course) and have an abortion on the NHS if necessary? Or is there some reason that would be difficult for them?

I see your point about it being a referendum. In a perfect world we’d never need to vote to give any group of people such an obvious human right as being able to get married ffs. However, if you need to have a certain process to amend your constitution then legally speaking that’s what you have to do, and it actually

This may sound weird coming from a stranger but I’m proud of you! Or, if that sounds patronising, you should be proud of yourself anyway! It’s amazing to change something you thought you couldn’t change :) im going to read your recommendations and see if I can follow suit... Thanks for your suggestions and good luck

Yeah I waitressed for a few years and definitely hear you there!! That doesn’t excuse him being rude to you of course... I’m just biased because I love him in so many roles and I want him to be nice irl too!!

Same! Apart from the bit about being a 35 year old dude. Shade court’s my favourite Jezebel thing

I feel like this is important to note otherwise the story becomes less funny and more distasteful

Your comment had me in stitches! I even re enacted Hugh stalking the perimeter for my husband. And then being smuggled in like under a pile of coats. I cherish this new hugh grant knowledge :p

I strongly advise anyone who hasn’t read the entire Hugh Grant thread to do so. The mental image of him is priceless

Ugh really? I hated the josh hartnett one :( I’d be crushed if someone said that about me when I was standing right there, without even trying to spare my feelings. Like, I may not be celebrity-hot but I’m still a person!?!?

Oh no! My brother in law’s girlfriend knows Alan rickman and he’s been lovely and very supportive of her career apparently (she's in the industry although not an actress). Hopefully he was just having a terrible day when he met you?

Ugh I hate Zach Braff! I’m glad to hear I’m correct in doing so!