
Aw I’m glad he’s actually not a douche! Mainly because he’s not so horrible to look at and I'm shallow :p

Ugh yeah the beer goggles one! I’m not proud of it but I know that would crush me! What a dick

Well done you!! Please can I hear your secret? My dad always ends up upsetting me and to avoid all the histrionics I often just leave it, but then I end up obsessing over it and losing sleep. I don’t know how to not rise to things without suffering for it in my own head later :s

I see what you mean but I think it depends on age. I met my other half when I was 18, so the names of the two guys I had dated previously naturally arose in conversation, as did the fact that I’d never slept with someone I wasn’t dating. So even a complete idiot would have known the number after maybe a few weeks or

I don't doubt that for a minute!

I hated it first time round and what Heathcliff did to those poor baby birds still haunts me. I came back to it a few years later and liked it a lot more although I’d definitely rather chill with Holden and Humbert than any of them, as emma goldigger said!

Excuse me while I rinse out my brain.

That sounds super scary and I hope you haven't had any lasting effects. I find it really hard to find a middle ground between eating whatever I want whenever I want and disordered eating. This is how I always feel when I restrict my diet too far - weepy, angry, stressed and concentrating on food instead of getting my

Ha yeah she was the most obvious example I could come up with!

If I had legs like that I’d throw away all my bottom-half clothes immediately. The world needs to see them!!!

I definitely see what you mean. She’s a very beautiful woman with a wonderful figure but (in my experience obv) she wouldn’t be on most men’s top ten sexiest list in the way that, say, Megan Fox might be... She’s more of an interesting choice I guess and she certainly is more famous than a lot of more obviously ‘hot’

That sounds like a smart way of looking at it, as long as you don’t make yourself feel too guilty when you have a bad day. Good luck and lots of hugs to you!

That's so awful, I hope you're looking after yourself since your loss.

You sound delightful! So many people seem to think that women have a lobotomy when they give birth and it pisses me off, especially since my mum is the most intellectually intelligent person I've ever met.

Yeah i thought that might go down well here on Jez :p I loved them, might have to re-read actually :)

Angela Carter wrote The Bloody Chamber which are feminist retellings of fairy tales. I read them at uni and loved them although I know some people find them a bit obvious! Nancy Mitford wrote Love in a Cold Climate and The Pursuit of Love which are both just straight up very English class comedy...

I'm glad I thought of some stuff you haven't read already! Hope you enjoy it :)

Ooh yes to Maggie O’Farrell!

Why don't the courts use veritaserum!? And every time something bad happens, whip out the time turners!

I re-read all the time! If I only read a book once it's a sign I really didn't think much of it. I think you get something new out of a good book at different stages of your life, so a classic like Wuthering Heights will mean something totally different to you at 25 from what it did at 19, say. Also I go back to