
I’m English and can confirm that at least Possession is very well known here, although not necessarily everyone has actually read it!

Congratulations!!! From a fellow future lawyer

My sister is a late bloomer. She didn’t date/have sex/do anything romantic until her late 20s. Now she’s 33 and very happily engaged, has lots of friends, a great career, a nice flat etc etc. It really seems not to have had any negative effects on her life whatsoever.

Omg just looking at someone and blinking is surprisingly powerful! I did it to a guy who works at my law school who was supposed to be finding my exam paper, like 5 minutes before that start of an exam, who noticed my wedding ring and exclaimed ‘God, people are getting married younger and younger these days’ as if I

You’re not an idiot. That sounds heart breaking and I’m so sorry you’re going through it. Feel free to disregard my advice completely but FWIW you might feel happier in the future (when you look back on now) if you didn’t let him have all the pet name/sex/wife-stuff that he obviously doesn’t value enough to try to

Don’t give up! I’m at law school and the number of jobs out there is scary small compared with the number of us. You haven’t got a job yet but neither have plenty of amazing applicants with great qualifications and tons of work experience - it absolutely does not mean you aren’t good enough. It’s a numbers problem and

You're amazing! What a thing to have been through at 20 years old!

I'm so sorry. Think of the long and happy life that you gave him that he might not have had otherwise. It's awful to lose someone you loved so much but wonderful to be able to love in that way.

A nod or wink sounds ok I suppose! I mean, that's not why you're there, but better that than persistent yelling.

The status thing is so weird and gross. When I was younger people would sometimes comment about Mr Leica being less handsome that I am pretty. It was supposed to be a compliment to me I guess but it was rude and shallow. Now he has a more impressive professional job no one does it so I guess they see his ‘worth’ now.

I'm so sorry to hear that. There are lots of good ones.

Yeah I find that weird too - like I could lose 10 pounds if I really wanted to (not easily but it’s possible) whereas a beautiful face is pretty much fixed, so surely that should be ‘worth’ more as it’s less attainable?

It so does! God bestowed it on women for a reason :p

‘You looked like you were enjoying it’

That's exactly what I hoped you'd say <3

I was hoping someone would say that! Britta for the win!!

Yeah I have less than zero musical gift so I can happily watch crap like that while Mr Leica finds it physically painful

Ha! Do you say ‘it was so interesting/how unique/what a fresh interpretation’ a lot?

That’s so gross, especially as you say you aren’t even feeling your best when at your lower weight so it’s the worst time to get creeped on :( I’m sorry you have to contend with that and I hope you’re at your ‘happy’ weight now, whatever that is!

I didn't love it from the front but she looked amazing from the back - very flattering shape! Now I feel like I should do some squats or something