
Ugh I can’t believe that male attention differs that much over 5lb (or, I don’t want to believe it, I don't think you're lying!) How tall are you?? I find gross male attention fluctuates more with what I'm wearing and whether I've got my bitch face on!

It's hard for me to watch American Idol because I have perfect pitch

File it under bad bitch - stealing this!

I loved that about the show! They never did a Suki loses weight/wants to lose weight/can't get a guy because of her weight story. It almost made up for the fact that the two main women ate EVERYTHING and never put on an ounce :p

Yeah it's actually really sad how many people end up in prison when they have mental health problems that could be addressed. Another reason not to have the death penalty!

It might be more satisfying for the victim too, to be able to speak to them one on one and hopefully see some reason or remorse. Maybe a combination of this and some sort of punishment element (because some people don’t feel empathy so this approach wouldn't affect them) might both deter and aid rehabilitation...

I guess that’s true; I hadn’t really thought about the appeal aspect, and how it drags things out for the victim’s family. There’s really no perfect solution unless people stop committing crimes, which seems like something of a long shot!

Thanks that is really interesting! I wonder if it reduces reoffending in some cases because the offender is forced to interact with the victim as a person and not a thing, especially in a mediation rather than a court room where there are all these barriers and formalities between you.

No but i’d like to. Any recommendations?

Absolutely agree with number 1 - you’re right! Point 2 is an interesting one as I think sometimes traditional ‘eye for an eye’ stuff can feel like a satisfying response, but I don’t know if it would actually work out that way in real life. It sounds like you know more about that idea than I do - it’s hypothetical for

You're right! If someone hurt someone I love I'd be the first in the queue to hurt them back, but I don't necessarily want the state to be so emotional... I guess I'm trying to hard to match what I believe politically with my gut feeling, and like you say they don't need to be exactly the same. That's what the law is

Yeah that sounds roughly how I feel - I’ve been trying to think it through to avoid sounding hypocritical but maybe I should just accept that one can feel conflicted about things sometimes!

Maybe I should just accept that head and heart (and heart only very rarely for very specific cases) feel differently on this and be glad that there’s no death penalty in the UK. It’s interesting to hear other people’s takes on it, both the practical and the purely ethical. Obviously I knew jez wouldn’t be a strongly

That's absolutely horrifying and a good reason to oppose in real life. In principle if you lived in a society where it was impossible for that to happen, would you still oppose for purely ethical reasons?

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I absolutely agree with everything you’ve written 100% and if I was asked my thoughts on the death penalty and actually had any influence on law-making or whatever that’s what I’d say. I’m finding it hard that my feelings were so strongly in the other direction in that one case,

The actual daughter sounded so chill - apparently her and her boyfriend just laughed and it wasn’t really mentioned again! I like to think I’d be that cool but in reality i’d freak the fuck out. Hopefully my mum would make up something like her phone was stolen by prankster thieves or some such

I’m so interested to hear what you guys feel about the death penalty. Where I’m from we haven’t had it since long before I was born, and in principle I’m 100% against the state ever making the decision who lives and dies. But when I read about the gang rape and murder of the girl in India in 2012 and the details of

Oh boo fucking hoo

But of course! How else will you know you're rolling around in exactly $1billion if some other idiot counts it?!

Fresh sheets every day would be the fucking bomb!