
should have sent Stone Gossard.

She came from Fox News, you can't be mad at her for knowing what journalistic integrity means…. or ethics… or class… or journalism…. or integrity.

No one could polish that turd.

Dude, McCready is an integral part of a live Pearl Jam show. They give him solos on songs that don't have solos

Trump: When you're famous, they let you do it.
Cosby: Well….

you don't even order it, it just shows up on your plate after you update your phone.

I'm starting to think there is no Ask Marylin. These Numbrixes are impossible.

So damn good intentions because there isn't always a tangible outcome? Sorry, I disagree. If I can remove certain words from my lexicon to not make someone feel like shit, I will. Does that make me a pussy?

I really enjoy this show. Not every plot line or joke is a home run but it averages out. It's not gonna change the way adult animated television is made but it's good for some laughs. I can't vouch for how accurately it portrays the 70's but the setting does remind me of my suburban adolescence. The elevator pitch for

What has two thumbs and just got a new safe word?
This guy!!!

Im of mixed mind on this subject and I've considered it alot. On one hand you have bands like KISS, Motley Crue, Alice Cooper, Marylin Manson and ICP who, IMHO, are all smoke and mirrors with no real content. They have to dress up and have pyrotechnics and lasers and make up and fake blood because the music is weak.

No more B sides either, I really enjoyed the hidden gems some artist would choose for their B sides. I think the now arbitrary 45 min "limit" to an album forces the artist to be more lean with their selections for release. If you gave every artist a three hour per album license we'd all be stuck with extended piccolo

It's just a very cheap and unfunny joke that was used on a promo. Foxx wasn't making a grandiose joke or seering geopolitical satire. He was basically saying, "Hey look how funny sign language is, ahaha they can't hear." So I think it's totally appropriate for anyone to call it out as mean and unfunny.

dibs on the cancer aids!

"You can't fire crazy." George Bluth

Gonna leap into your life
my hammer is my sword
I'd cheat if I have to,
just don't look at my board
can't wait to be with you
cant wait to get funky
just have to spank
this monkey named donkey
so don't bring me down
no don't be bummer
i'm a spicy Italian
overalled plumber
If i fight for days
will that be enough
with you by side

god bless those resilient fuckers, they had been down most of this week. you know… cause…. educational purposes…

Jesse Ventura bodyslammed his way to a gubernatorial victory. Fun fact: 6 drinks deep and "gubernatorial" sounds downright Suessian.

wow, well with this shouldn't be a problem anymore because the pirate bay has been shut down. I wonder where people will get their torrents now? Maybe a trust worthy site that provides torrents. Purely hypothetically, what would the url of those sites be? Oh golly, how I wonder….