
It's people like this that give drugs a bad name.

Yes, but unfortunately we've had to deem Bosom Buddies worse than Hitler. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Of course the LGBT community deserves respect and dignity. However, calling out a 25 year old sketch is counter productive and paints Soloway as thin skinned and hyper sensitive. Besides, Pat never identified as trans. Also, androgyny can be humorous in certain social situations so lighten up.

Idk, the problem is finding folks right in the sweet spot of needs the steady paycheck and too famous to do it. Also, Chevy isn't allowed.

I always thought they should try to do a season of SNL: All Stars. Bring back the heavy hitters for one season, then rake in the money.

Man, Jennifer Jason Leigh needs to tone down her southern accent by about 50%. Geez.

Even if you're famous?!

I contend that without Edith Wilson we would not have the cinematic gems that are Weekend at Bernie's 1 and 2.

The biggest problem is that poor horse. You just know Tom isn't gonna stay with the horse. He'll get bored and leave, then the horse is gonna be heartbroken. Just wrecked. And then what? It's not gonna get better AFTER Tom Hiddleston. Just ask T. Swift. The horse will naturally turn to drink to sanitize all those

I had an ex go queer after we broke up. I guess after having me, no man could possibly measure up.

I don't know that Sean Hannity doesn't drink piss. I don't know what kind of piss he prefers to drink. I also don't know if he enjoys a few crackers or peanuts with his large jug of piss that he chugs. I don't know how often Sean Hannity slams a gallon of warm sailor piss but the American people deserve to know.

so he can make a genius app like nip alert but can't remember a username and password? he's been Homer-fied. (Simpson not epic poet)

Cannonball by The Breeders, great bass line.

No, I've been using my pillow.

Park JurAss on mah face

Boy, Universal needs some help. Aside from their hot wheels movies, they just can't win. Then again, do they have anything on their slate that's not a sequel, remake or shared universe?

It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, please allow me to introduce myself, MEESA JAR JAR BINKS!

You just brought piss to a shit fight, friend.

Yeah, all the big time Hollywood mover and shakers. Trains don't ever run in Tinsel Town unless Jimmy Caan says so. Also, I'm positive the intelligentsia zeitgeist hinges upon John Ratzenbergers latest Bonn Mot regarding current affairs.

don't forget Scott Baio and Ted Nugent.