
Key Arena: The House that Pearl Jam built.

I know, I have the titular line and the title line in Out of Africa. I know.

I like the one where the famous cook yells at the non famous cooks. At least these fame whores are competing at a useful skill. As far as I can tell, the other ones just compete at being a horrible person. Oh, and what's the one that kinda looks like American Gladiators but on an obstacle course? That ones pretty good

Can you imagine though? You're about to create a radio personality for yourself. You have the entire breadth of personality spectrum to choose from. You could become insightful, inspiring, thoughtful, charming, and witty. And you become Alex fuckin Jones?

I just walk up and vulcan nerve pinch them in the pussy. When you're a celebrity, they let you.

I've said it before, but we ain't never gonna see this show, y'all.

Coming this fall, Jerry Knots was tired of paying so much in taxes. (smash cut, with record scratch) "Do you know what we'd pay if filed singlely?" But IRS auditor Mitch Kumstein has other ideas. Thursdays this fall get ready to "Untie the Knots". 8/7C

Smart. Don't let something you enjoy turn into a chore.

I really don't care for Batman Returns….. at all.

I think that if you put that script in a different directors hands, you've got a solid to very good movie. Well, after you replace the steroid poodles with a serious threat.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go clear. Clear up in them guts!"

To each their own, friend. I will admit White Castle tastes better when in altered states.

Flame broiled earns bk a lot of extra credit points in my book. Wendy's burgers are good but not great. Wendy's sour cream and chive potato is fucking awesome in the winter though.

best burger
1: Hardee's/Carls Jr
2. BK
3. Wendy's
4. White Castle
5.Jack in the Box
6. McD's

Jack in the Box is very much nation wide.

I think I'll let Michael Jackson instruct me on traversing the moon's terrain. Good day.

Jokes on you, AV Club! I don't even know who these guys are because I am largely clueless to the music of today.

mmmmm…. I think there is fuckery afoot. this line has to be taken out of context or something… they are planning way too many more movies for them to just remove the jedi from them.

I gotta defend avatar in 3D. I WAS on mushrooms for it, it was neat. But worst theater experience has to go to Ghost Rider: spirit of the essence of shaky cam of fire 2. I liked the crank movies, I like the premise of ghost rider. Stupid me hoped maybe they got this one right. They did not. If you held a gun to my

Wouldn't the alternative be dying in front of an audience? I don't know that that is much better. I'm pretty embarrassed by my orgasm face, I'd hate to know what my death face looks like. Or maybe at deaths door, I do a last minute hail mary christian conversion and my loved ones see me sobbing and pathetically