
"So, I have to do more show and I still can't find anyone to touch my junk?" Bill O'Reilly

Don't even get me started on The spoiler filled title of "Throw Mama from the Train."

I think he's complaining about the spoilers in the title. They didn't have to give away this was a Thor movie. They should just call it Movie #43584B: Ragnarok.

Love pearl jam and Jeff Ament but the monkees do not belong in the hof.

that gave me the spinneys.

"Make no mistake about it, there's nothing decent about human beings, folks. No objective, definable form of good. Not really a soul, more like the absence of a soul. Juuuuuuuust blackness. So you wanna stare into the gaping yawn of oblivion, don't look up to the heavens. No, no. Just look squarely into the mirror.

I understand if he's not your cup o' tea but it would be very hard to convince me that he's not the best working comic right now. I love a lot of comics and they deserve love too but C.K. is on another level. My parents look forward to his specials and the last stand up they really dug was Carlin.

smoke machine, lazer light show, and fucking muppets or gtfo.

Look, I'm with you that it takes a special type of megalomaniacal ego centric narcissist to think that they should govern how others live but it's entirely different to make a person who never held an elected office leader of the free god damned world.


Why should only astronauts get to experience the awesome glory of space travel?

Easy there, Doc. I think the janitor is due a triple bypass.

and how many companies are gonna jump on the "O'Reilly" bandwagon with these increased ratings?

these same people should have to live in homes, have their hair cut, and eat dinners provided by people with zero experience in those fields.

psyched to see my favorite band headed to the HOF. happy to hear Letterman will be adding some humor to the proceedings.

lemme check, (sticks hand under running faucet, inspects) yes, I can affirm that water is indeed wet. Also women be shoppin'.

I heard that if you put Spicer and Kellyanne Conway in a room, it's like two Amazon Echoes talking to each other.

His doctor said eating two packs of cinnamon gum a day is okay, I wonder if they cautioned him against his daily intake of his own bullshit?

well…. he's not wrong.

…good for him and in other news today, water still wet.