
Wouldn't it be awesome to live in a timeline where Farley didn't O.D.?

right, but they shouldn't retcon diversity.

duly noted, homie.

I'm all for equality and diversity and shit but I think making Thor a woman and Hulk a bi curious Malaysian Jew is the wrong way to go about it. Let Thor and Hulk keep being boring white dudes. Introduce new heroes with their own origins and make them as diverse as you see fit.

Don't worry, trek fans, this show will never get made, and if does it will not be shown. This is all a dirty trick to drum up traffic for cbsnow or whatever the fuck. I was pretty psyched about it when Bryan Fuller was gonna run this show and now it's delays have been delayed, Fuller left, more delays, more people

Bummer, I really enjoyed this show. Comedy Central is kinda funny about their loyalty to certain shows. Who brings back a show for a 3 episode season?

Well here you go, kids. Proof that drugs don't make you funny.

i just wipe it with a towel, it's seasoned like an old skillet.

I liked Carol and Liz. Made sense to me on paper.

I get what you're saying. And I know that if flat earthers exist, some folks will just never hear from reason. But that was the point of my hypothetical agency. It'd be inscrutable. It would say, here are 6,421 items that prove the earth is round and you are wrong. And the debate would just end. And then mankind

the far right won't recognize snopes or politifact. they label them as biased, as they do with any source that doesn't support their preconceived notions. What I'm wishing for is an debunking agency that's infallible and unquestionable. So you can finally go, "Here, Dummy, pizza gate is bullshit. Here's irrefutable

Anyone else think this is just Alex Jones bracing himself for the impending lawsuit?

Wouldn't it be cool if we had official undenyable bullshit labeling system? Like every morning someone from the U.S. Center of Bullshit would issue demerits to talking heads and news casts that spread false information during the previous days broadcasts. I understand every story has some spin, but I'm talkin' 'bout

"I'm very upset with how I'm acting right now. I just have a very hard time expressing my emotions and I can't stop from yelling… So, I'm going to go ahead and go, but I'm not going to stop yellin' because then that'll mean I lost the fight." Kenny Powers

What about the douche bag that gets on his knees to blow the Silverado and demands it comes home with him? That dude is a tool.

"Well, of course, everything looks bad if you remember it. Now where are my chili boots?" Homer Simpson

"I thought the theater seemed much louder last year."

"‎I wear a lot of Axe Body Spray, except I live in a black neighborhood, so it's called Ask Body Spray." Zach Galifianakis

Rimjobbing Obese Hermaphrodites?

If it's clear and yellow, you've got juice there fella! If it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town!" Okly-dokely?