
Here in rural Missouri we've been mixing meths and Natural Light for years.

I really thought we'd have a trailer by now.

I don't think outrage is accurate. Ridicule seems more appropriate. Not really upset with Tim Allen or outraged by his comments. It's more, "Hey, look what this asshat actually believes!" Is it newsworthy? That could be debated. Is it "punching down"? Eh, also debatable but…. you know… it's Tim Allen…. so fuck him.

Shit, if Obama ordered Russian dressing on his salad they'd subpoena the waiter, have 6 Senate hearings and then shut down the entire government. God forbid if he had an immigrant wife, had prior marriages, had ever declared bankruptcy, had ever heard someone say grab em by the pussy, couldn't name a bible verse, had

must have been one helluva cup of coffee

Honestly though? you can't put Blazing Saddles, Atlanta, Louis CK, Chris Rock, Dan Harmon or South Park in the same category as Tim Allen. Those folks are brilliant comedians and Tim Allen is a desperate hack. Michael Richards would have better luck using the n-bomb than Tim Allen.

… or Eddie Murphy, or Tracy Morgan, or Darryl Strawberry.

This is America dammit, home of the 33rd chance.

Whoa, King Turd has me siding with a boy band. Is there anything his insane egomania can't do?

The Matrix? No thanks, already have one.

Path of Neo was FAR superior.

They should teach writing classes around Reviews pilot. Quite possibly the best pilot I've ever seen.

Still this shitty format, eh A/V Club? Okay, I guess.

"Alt-Righty then!" Racist Ventura

not to pile on, or pretend that the av club cares but… this new comment section is not good at all.

Nope, after 8 years of Obama being blamed for everything including beer prices and rain, I'm gonna give this administration every bit of shit I can. The bigger crimes get more of my attention. But Spicey S.O.S.ing the outside world for help gets a nod of approval from me. Anyone check his hand for a black dot?

I haven't seen this many florescent colors in a superhero movie since Batman and Robin.

Dear AV Club:
This is a bad move. It's not user friendly or aesthetically palpable. I hope you will revert back to last format or try another (i.e. better) overhaul. I'm not mad. Not every swing is a homerun. But I am disappointed. You're better than this.
Thanks for your time.

won't somebody think of the children!
