
"I am smiling"

Sure don't miss no Colin Cowherd.

Andy Daly in the Honey Nut Clusters episode MAY be one of my favorite things ever.

So did he write and direct this herring flick? he doesn't mention it at all.

This is the best I've ever seen BDH perform. I thought she killed this.

Media Obviously Needs Oversight, Plurality Over, Lucky You!

I love this cornbread so much, I want to take it behind a middle school, and get it pregnant.

Iron helps us play!



Is this the one with Troy McClure?

So when can we look forward to the next Multi-cultural Stripes album?

C'mon man. Once MIGHT have been an accident. But 47 times?

i try to jive that way…. BUT this new medical grade stuff is skunky as balls and it reeks through everything. Also my eyes get really red so yeah…. when I chief everyone knows.

It is creepy in an indescribable way.

I got HPV at a Marshall Tucker Band show.

You're a good friend.

So my little fuckmeat taco bringer at home don't need to know nothing about no cylons for us to be happy?

I can't wait not to watch this.

In America first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women.