
That baby is all tiny and stuff. Look at me, I'm big. There's no way that baby is mine.

Theres something fucking despicable about dancing and celebrating the fact that a child is gonna grow up fatherless. It shouldn't bother me but gawddamn man. As the wise sage Andre3000 said,"that's a baby, not a paycheck."

This pilot didn't work for me. A lot of concept, very little laughs. I'll watch a few episodes once they accumulate on the dvr. But as review said, it's got some work to do.

After him, no man would do.

skinny jeans, raw coffee beans, PBR and VCR, vacant stare, ironic facial hair, bad bangs in your face, YOU'LL NEVER LEAVE YOUR PARENTS PLACE! We didn't start the…

Player 6: Goes Hawaiian

its not that weird if you've ever had ani difranco's seven layer bean dip.

"Clear alcohol is for rich women on diets." Ron Swanson

Right on, I'm kind of indifferent to it. Some folks on here get angry about Kevin Smith having a career at all. The Jay and Silent Bob flicks hit when I was burned out teen and I enjoyed those. Now he's making weird little niche films and as a burned out adult I give them a viewing. Parts of red state work, same with

Well, this week it's fashionable to hate Kevin Smith. So if you don't "get" with that then yeah… there's something wrong with you.

I know his last few "passion projects" (red state, tusk, yoga hosers) are made on the super cheap, but how are these things making money? Also, anyone know who is financing them?

It's a small world when you have unbelievable tits, Roy.

"I'm a doctor, buy a fucking map." ???

*Capt. Lou Natick looks into Bucket of Truth, looks up*
"Don't you think I know that???!!!"

Breath, I really dig Aments bass work and McCready's second solo is one of my all time favorites. It's just a really good road trip, windows down music up song.

Great read! This is my favorite album of all time. I know it has weaknesses but it was exactly the right album that talked about exactly the right things, that set the exact mood, that hit me at exactly the right time in my development and I'll follow PJ to the ends of the earth because of it.asdf

Where is the geographical line between Hardees and Carl's JR? I live in Missouri and it's all Hardee's here.

You're thinking of "bookmarking" and that's when the right wing Senate member bends over a page.

Ten is a good album. I've just heard it a million times it's been on the radio for 25 years. I'm just tired of it. and it probably is over engineered.

For shits and grins,