
I don't think Pearl Jam's post yield efforts get enough love. Matt Cameron has added an energy to the band that's obvious on stage but still present on wax. My only critique would be for the band to work with someone other than Brendan O'Brien. He seems like the unofficial 7th member of the band. It'd just be nice to

I miss Mean Gene Okerlund.

You'll just have to settle for 5 Seth Rogan vehicles this year. I'm sorry but Galifinakis is being a dick about shooting the "highly anticipated" season 2 of Baskets. (insert eye roll here)

I really enjoy his books. Gumption should get more love.

How would Trump review Red Dawn? Teenage "second amendment types" thwart my campaign financiers in ill fated power move. Must not have read my book.

What about the obligatory flashback to 10 or so years ago episodes?

…elbow nibbling reasons…

Marge isn't trapped. She's had her chances to bail on Homer. Mostly with characters voiced by Albert Brooks or Jon Lovitz. I suspect she has her reasons. In my head canon, it's completely sexual reasons. Freaky-deaky, musky, kinda excited kinda scared, hyper sexual reasons …. I'll be right back.

Pearl Jam's No Code is probably my favorite album. It really deserves more love.

I liked this movie the first time I saw it when it was called Black Sheep.

I wanna dip my balls in it!

Geraldo is weird. He smokes pot with Cheech and Chong, has a "bandit grade" mustache but then shills for the devil through the week. Just…. weird.

But we don't just hand out Fosters to just anyone. Fosters are for closers. Those who get the job done. Now… are you a closer? I'd wish you luck but you wouldn't know what to do with it of you got it.

"That doesn't exist." Jon Stewart

Who You Are is a hell of a track.

2nd and 3rd would be vs and vitalogy. For me, the tribal drums really kicked in on No Code with Jack Irons behind the kit.

1: yes, shower radios will improve your life.
2: you should be so lucky as to suffer through the tribal drums on vitology. #heystupidmophandlemamathatsme

it means Make America White Again and WAAAAYYYYYYY less pc.

So I says to Mabel, I says… we'll finish this later.

I was gonna go on a rant, bitching about what a stupid waste of time stuff like this is, just as silly and non important as "the dress", and how there real world issues that deserve our attention but then again just about everything I do online is stupid and pointless. Arguing about art is like farting with your