
You guys. You lollygag the ball around the infield. You lollygag your way down to first. You lollygag in and out of the dugout. You know what that makes you?

i'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Doc looked a little "fidgety".

"you can take the children…. but you leave me my monkey!"

Anne Murray and Drake are only 2 degrees apart. Mind blown!!

same way i got athlete's vag.

Hands Off My Jerky, Turkey!

more like six of nine, amirite?

My Own Imprisoned testicles in gender neutralizing denim

Crasino hunks will break your legs if you talk with a sass mouth.

hot, greasy mouth water? for some reason that really grosses me out.

Sea food is just cat scraps.

The first Cars film was a direct rip off of Doc Hollywood. Fact.

I'd like to see a GTA style video game based around The Trailerpark Boys. I have it half written in my head, but then again I guess it writes itself.

There's some reasonable and justifiable hate for Nickleback out there. I have a metric fuck ton of it and I ain't sharing none of it.

There's a monetary loss to the state as well. The sales taxes from hotels and dinners etc, it can add up.

Which idea from 20 years ago is hardest to resurrect? Malls? Middle-class kids? Quality Kevin Smith films?

It's cheap humor, you can do any joke from Mork and Mindy or Alf with Sheldon. He's an uncaring, misunderstanding jackass and at the end of the episode he learns a little more about being a human being. Yawn.

Righteously angry is a tool Middleditch obviously doesn't have in his acting tool bag. He needs to stay right in the "and shove us up their asses" zone.

I do not understand the attraction. It's a credit to the writing staff that I'm able to sit through this show. It's full of effeminate, mumbling, lady voiced, easily frightened, socially inept, obviously all over the Autism spectrum, weaklings. Akin to Michael Cera and Jesse Eisenberg, I fail to believe this murders…

Yeah, "the nickname just stuck" shit caused me to lose any sympathy for Dinesh.