Lego Batman

The All-Dude Centipede: Even the hairy and the metal one

That's a bat pun!


Kinda how I envisioned it in the first place, but the guys in marketing thought it was "too dark" as if there was such a thing.
Still could use more black.


Dude still did it without batting an eye.


I kinda owe these guys.

I made sure they use only black vinyl. Maybe there'll be a special edition in very, very dark grey.

Bro, you're the one dude I expected to have some sympathy for a guy who lives surrounded by DARKNESS.
Just stop listening to this whiny girl band and buy my album.

I can kinda relate to these dudes. I don't speak in a primitive dialect, yet still know one truly understands me.

Hey dude, even I think that's a little harsh on Affleck.

Fear not citizen! The awesomeness of my movie will soon make you forget about this show and that Snyder travesty!

Bruce Wayne? Uh…who's that? Sounds like a cool guy.

I sent LegoRobin to fetch me some "bat bearing grease".
Haven't heard from the dude in months.

That's a bat pun.

It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.

I'm here to see… YOUR BUTT!

That's a bat quote to bastardize.

We are here to see… YOUR BUTT!