Lego Batman

And I pimped it with the same awesome surround system! That's right, the dogs are barking my sweet songs even when I'm… ahem, reading, yeah that, reading.

I'll be in the Batbunk™

Y'know, since that was featured in my movie all the cool kids have bootlegged it anyway, so I'm not releasing it as a single. But it's gonna be on my upcoming album just like the newest awesome song I wrote. It's about brooding in the DARK. Wanna hear it?
Just kidding, I know you wanna hear it.

DARKNESS falls across the land…

No, no, that's no one's deepest desire! I have enough DARK stuff in my life to deal with. On top of that I have to work with Superdickman again pretty soon. So will you guys give me a break here?

That stupid button was clearly stuck.
'Cause Batman never misses.

Dude, a lot of weird and really, really DARK stuff happened in the 90's. In between I party'd so hard I don't even remember most of it.

These Marvel dudes seem like the bunch of strangers this bat doesn't want to party with.

Tha't some Grade A DARK material right there but I wouldn't want to party with this bunch of strangers.

If I'm brooding to much and can't sleep in the Batbunk™, I always opt for some Classic Poe.
That dude got the DARKNESS down to a fine art!

That's one pretty sweet Avatar, sis or bro!
Though personally, I would have went for a darker grey. Very, very dark grey.

*cough* Ahem..

Man that's DARK! I can totally relate, I'm also just someone's second banana gimmick. Flying through the night while the dogs blast my awesome songs kinda makes it better though.
So don't worry, I'll be keeping the DARKNESS at bay. I know that with great commenting power comes great responsibility, because Lego

We'll wing it…
That's a bat pun.

Sorry to break it to you kid, but you're just a clone created by Darkseid.

Well Catwoman knows how to hook a bat. I prefer not to talk about it.
I just brood about it a lot.

Look, I've learned to live with bad comedy, after all I deal with Emmett, the friggin' "Chosen" on a daily basis, but killing a bat? That kitty just booked herself a one way trip to Arkham Animal Sanctuary.

Worked with Barry when that Mirror Master guy had come to Gotham. As if we didn't have enough weirdos here already. Anyway, Flash is a pretty cool dude, just talks a little much for my taste. I mean, I have a serious amount of daily brooding to get done. Gets kinda hard when the fastest guy alive is fast talking to

Those guys were so lame. All they did was play naked checkers, plus it turns out that hairy one's a dude, and the mental one too, all dudes.

If you go all jealous boyfriend on a dude that just saved the world, you just end up looking like a dick. That's more Superman's thing.
Besides, did you see that blue and purple streak in her hair she was sporting as of late? Kinda cool but clearly not black enough. I could have lived with a very, very dark grey..