Lego Batman

Hello Slim, very subtle as always.

Oh, crab-o!

It's this dude Emmett who kinda saved us all. At least that's what I think happened, got mighty confusing in the end.
He took away my girlfriend but that's ok, this relationship wasn't working anyway. Now I'm free to party with a bunch of strangers whenever I feel like it.

This Bruce Wayne sounds like a cool guy. Not that I know him. Or that my first name is Bruce. 'Cause it's not.
I'm Batman.

Chris Pratt is amazing. Reminds me of a really cool dude I know.

He's a turn off all right. When he's not cracking his terrible jokes he's moping about his uncle.
Well lah-di-da your uncle's dead, guess what I'm an orphan and I'm not a buzzkill at every party!

I will text you.

I hate this place.

Babe, look. If this commenting is ever gonna work between us, I need to feel free to quote my movie with a bunch of strangers whenever I feel like it.

He is so disappointing on so many levels.


If you like dark and brooding, there's a cooler guy to party with.

Greatest Hard Rock Album!

I once tried to party at a Ruckus in the Rockies.
Turns out it's all dudes, even the hairy ones.

Maybe I'll release my next song on vinyl.