
I see what you did there!

I never saw Lost and outside of the thousands of "the ending ruined it all" posts over the years don't know anything about it. I binge watched the Leftovers after Season One was over and season two was about to begin and have watched s02- s03 weekly in real time. I have a curiousity of how The Leftovers is going to

Oh I agree there is some supernatural stuff going on (starting with the departure itself). I'm just saying it may not mean what the characters and audience think it means. Kevin died and came back and others are calling him the new Jesus. David Burton died and declared himself God. What if some people die and come

With Laurie dead, Meg dead, Matt dying, and Nora looking at a suicide machine it's quite possible that the "magic" is not what we all think and Kevin isn't going to end up in any hotel limbo but rather just drown and… die. The original departure apparently was real but no one knows the rules. Matt has his theories

Yes, "Love and Death on Long Island". The perfect example of him elevating anything he was attached to. His performance in that is both entertaining and heartbreaking.

I think anyone who's spent time in a court would agree while some zings may flow outright trying to turn a judge into a bitch is not the norm nor would it be applauded and gain them anything but a contempt ruling, You seem incapable of recognizing the difference between a real life legal exchange and a TV melodrama

"I thought the repeated thing where the same four or five characters basically relayed the same message to each other, right down to the dude next to the defense minister saying something to the defense minister and then her literally just turning to the Prime Minister to say the exact same thing was meant as being

Joel sliver got the peter's table "he also made Xanadu!" . Little Keanu met Wendy ward who was "a big fan" . Yes, I've waited almost two decades to talk about this show.

Very, very accurate actually. Both are jet black, unapologetic, obscene, and hilarious. MiC is to TV syndication what Action is to Hollywood blockbusters. Perhaps some day they'll release more than the first season of MiC , it took years for the DVD of action but it was worth the wait.

Actually my bad, I was thinking about Dom when she was talking to her robot voice before she went to sleep. Seriously I was cringing and hoping they would cut away before she picked up her service revolver. They've already established she lives for her job and the scene right before (her second PTSD inducing gun

I absolutely thought she was going to shoot herself when she said good night.

Necro post but just saw season one for the first time. Quick question: did Tammy ever confront her GF onscreen and tell her she was leaving. Maybe I missed it but I remember a scene where she and Sarah were fighting on the street in front of the house and then next I knew she had moved in and was redecorating Maura's

The show moved things around but usually closing happens the next day (sometimes right away during the same day) both sides rest.

By talk back I don't mean the jury can't speak but #1 that is usually done in the jury room or via the clerk and #2 a judge and head juror would NEVER get in a slap fight like that on the record in court. The judge *might* ask the jury a question or the jury would ask the clerk (who would write down the question to be

I loved the first episode of this show and followed it the rest of the way based on that alone. By this finale I couldn't believe it was the same team or even show. Having laid out such a realistic and gritty portrayal of the criminal justice system in the first few episodes it then went fully Hollywood stupid in the

I think it's her acting. Watch her eyes and body language in the scene where she is talking to/questioning Angela at her PC. She's doing a lot non verbally in all her scenes especially with pauses and looks between her dialogue. I haven't seem much of her but last night I thought to myself she was an exceptional

A bit on the nose but the music cue for the news report on the trash piling up was The Cramps "Garbageman". What is cool is they use music that totally sets a mood and then cut it off before the lyrics make things too obvious (last season it was Sonic Youth on Angela's ear phones which they cut off before the vocals

I'm sorry to see this show go. I looked forward to watching it and found it unique both for it's perspective and kids-in-a-candy-store enthusiasm. It certainly wasn't perfect but one thing that kept me coming back to watch was how much *fun* the cast seemed to be having. Not all the skits or jokes landed but they got

After the satire "Project Searchlight" was made there really was no reason to ever do anything like this again.

He was perfect in the multi-episode arc of Louie.