
Yes he did have wet blood on the cab at the pull over. There is nothing that has been shown so far that doesn't make sense with blood that could have any number of explanations and still make him as the murderer. He could have cleaned up at the house, somewhere else, Etc. he could have left and returned. He could have

I thought the comment regarding the knife was not a reference to WHERE it was found but rather that it's size was within the range of being what the murder weapon was and the kind of cuts it inflicted (judging from the coroners report). At this point all the police know is the potential murder weapon with Nas's DNA

All amazing great bands and full of pop. The Decendents however were contemporaries of Black Flag, circle jerks, the Minutemen, etc. husker du and even X as well as dozens of bands before and during had pop in them but the full on hardcore *and* full on pop of this band (everything from the chords, leads, and lyrics)

+1 for well played indie reference.

Playing six degrees of separation I read this as a link to the actor Mark Margolis (Hector Salamanca) who played the mentor/math professor in PI :)

At Last some Mego luv! I named my 8bit band after them (http://www.megodeth.com) but the kids in the genre are so young no one gets it.

"Big Jesus Trash Can" has more right to be on this list than half these tunes.

You are not the only person. Many BB fans put it at the top of their list. It's not an episode about an insect in a room. It about the unraveling mind f*ck going on between the main characters (and WW with himself desperately trying to be the guy in control of his life even as is all slipped away from him). It was so

And not to be that guy (ok I guess exactly to be that guy) but that was a South American red leg tortoise. Not found in the states unless it was an escaped pet and even then it might have difficultly with the habitat and temperature shifts.

"Just as shallow as, say, being asked if you like TLC and immediately talking about how gorgeous you think Chilli is."

Theory: Tyrell pulled off the hack and has the means to fix it. He will use this as leverage to get his job (and more) back. Elliot was duped ( Perhaps even drugged) by him so he could learn what was done and prepare for it.

I believe the "water" under the car which reflected the red LED was actually gasoline. The cops that put the transponder on him cut the fuel line so he couldn't drive far.

Whatever can be said of the writing or idea of the "ghosts" in that final walk, Vaughn did some great physical acting. Look how his body completely changes as he approaches Jordan (the moment he's actually dead). Then the facial movements on his brow, jaw, etc when his mind has her tell him he really isn't seeing her

Yes! Then also changed dramatically a few episodes ago then went back to what they did in the first episodes. Most notably the lines do not always end on "I walk among you well disguised"

I think having him shot outside after all that made it much more dramatic and consistent with the feeling of how deep the conspiracy goes. As much as the four protagonists fight to get free, there is always another layer just waiting to shoot them down. The struggle is exhausting and ultimately close to pointless;

What about that multi-episode arc in NYPD Blue with the sensitive cop donating to the two lesbian police officers. Granted it wasn't in beer or a pie but…

Derp! My total bad. T Bone doesn't sing either s1 or s2 themes as has been correctly pointed out.

Derp! Quite correct, it IS Leonard Cohen. Thanks for the info.

Fwiw the opening song is T Bone Burnett , not Leonard Cohen as a few people have commented so far. Same singer as last year although I didn't quite get the feel it fit as well.

But weirdly they did mention exactly 20! men snuck into the camp. Did anyone else catch that? How would they know 20 men snuck in if they didn't see them? Seemed like a TV exposition thing to say to emphasize "look Ramsey's dialogue from last week, get it?"