
@ZFK: AH the Borgia Messengers. Whenever you see them there's that little moment of indecision, no matter what you're supposed to be doing. And then you take off at full pelt after them shouting curses at the people who get in your way.

@uncutlateralus: I think British identity comes out in certain situations. Almost exclusively the concept comes from the World Wars.

all they need to do is say "from the creators of GRAND THEFT AUTO" and they'll get an extra carriage full of sales right there

Yeah yeah very funny but in all seriousness, since all this Kotick nonsense kicked off not so long ago I can't help but thinking Koticku whenever I click on my Kotaku bookmark.

If I'd specifically filtered out all iPad news I'd be pissed that this came up.

@inkton: Perhaps clicking the link would have saved you the thinking. Thinking hurt brain think! Buhhh

<3 UKR

Have these maps actually stimulated anyone?

@Commy: That's what I was expecting from this review, to be honest. I want to know if the maps are any good, not just debate if they're too expensive.

No man could possibly be satisfied with only 40 copies of They Live!, no man!

@SlurpeeNinja: well when I said waterfront I don't know if that's the actual name. it was near some water. Anyway, I found the one I was talking about

I don't like multiplayer achievements in games, especially ones which just have a sideshow multiplayer. It's just a ruse to get you to keep playing the multiplayer.

@InconspicuouslyConspicuous: I absolutely hate those types of achievements, because it's just total pot luck - there's no skill to it it's just a cheap trick, ugh

@kahoona: are Atomic Games hiring a bounty hunter or something?!

@Silentkiller2774: You obviously never had one of the broken copies of WWF No Mercy which corrupted your save file then! Or the broken Silicon Valley which wouldn't let you pick up an item which was set to noclip.

@THEMISSING: It may be more prevalent now but broken games at release isn't a new thing at all.

@chajjar: Yeah I'm looking forward to trying out Laguna Presa on Rush. I much prefer DICE's strategy of not releasing maps as paid DLC so as not to split the community.

Good, shoehorning in motion controls where they're not needed is so pointless.

@CRRRUNK ... ಠ_ಠ: no idea, it was a couple years ago now. Somewhere near the waterfront is all I remember.