
Some slurpees I got in Vancouver. Wish we had them in the UK. I miss 7 11 :{

@Xaif: the very best games on the Wii are all Nintendo exclusives too. Zelda, Metroid, Mario. Will the Move have such strong backing?

@drag: Also if you want to play a game that needs you to move about, like an FPS, it's only 2 player local.

Ha, I bet EA had this plan all along

This is interesting. While you might say that Madden or Fifa are more fun than any basketball games, I'd say NBA 2k games come much closer to replicating the sport than FIFA or Pro Evo ever do.

I'v been listening to the Fallout 3 soundtrack, someone kindly made a playlist of most of the songs on GNR.

Majora's Mask was maybe my favourite Zelda, although I loved all of them. TP had some of the most interesting dungeons, WW was the most fun to spend time in, OoT was an all round delight, LttP had buckets of charm, I could go on forever.

Probably Sony's research showed that 8 and 9 year old kids weren't willing to spend $1000 on a 3D tv, no.

@CubemonkeyNYC: well you have to change your stance and use spells and such.

@indyit: The original Witcher is one of my favourite games EVER. Great story, great combat, wonderfully realised world...it had it all. I can't wait for the second one.

@Pheermee: Option F - I'm not buying it because I'm too damn busy playing Bad Company 2. FF12 still sits...13 hours into the game. Just. Can't. Stop. Rushing.

Hurray now we can play all our favourite SNES games in 3D!. And NES games! And DS games!

@Duuuuuuude: I have it but I have to say it was just a bit too cute and saccharine for me. It is quite a clever little game though.

Maybe he just meant to throw a flashbang but got the buttons mixed up.

skies of arcadia 2 plskthxbai

These should definitely have been in the game. Number 2 would have s ared the crap outta me

This is great news. I have a memory unit but only for backing up saves in case the HD bricks. I'd definitely use this feature to put DLC and so forth on, if you can do that.

@G2Wolf: it doesn't show the kdr on Xbox, no, nor on PS3 I don't think. Perhaps it's something you can enable server-side.