
I sure hope they've learned their lesson from the first game. It had some of the worst AI I've ever seen in a game, truly. There was also an incredible moment early on where there's a gun fight in a street. There are enemies hiding behind some cars, so I ran towards them to try and ferret them out from close

@G2Wolf: is that in team deathmatch though?

@G2Wolf: you can't even see other people's kill death in-game anyway, it's one thing I love.

@Witzbold: Considering Live is a premium service it's pretty awful that the party system is so broken. When it works it's a joy, but when it starts dumping people out of a party into their own party it's a nightmare.

Does that delightful green onepiece have a FLY?

@Witzbold: if you're friends with people you're playing with just party up with them. It means you can play with more than 3 friends and communicate as well.

@Witzbold: I have SO many moments in BC2 where I wish I had a capture card. Firing a smoke onto a bomb site and then running in and knifing 4 guys while they all spin around in a panic is a joy I want to share with the world.

@Witzbold: I actually saw a similar video on Videos section of the dashboard on Xbox. Maybe that explained it, I didn't watch it.

@Witzbold: not enough people even know about it! You can't blame them, the game never explains it.

If you already have Bad Company 2...why would you go back to Heroes?

those are some low quality civilian targets right there

@legerrid: Also the original Mafia had cover and shoot 3rd person gameplay (although it wasn't stick to the wall cover you still had to play that way) 4 years before Gears of War even came out.

The original Mafia is one of my favourite games of all time, it was just so well produced.

@bsin21: yes and I want to pimp it up in every era dammit!

I'm glad he blames himself but it seems as if the solution they've hit upon won't solve the root of the problem.

@ToiletNinjas: please don't make it like Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy

Ack, last night after a great session of Bad Company 2, I went to check my stats and...they'd all reset to zero. All my unlocks gone as well

Also that 60% stat should be a lesson to everyone in the industry

The only important point is the bottom one, unfortunately.Also I hate the "industry drive to simplicity"