
@Kovitlac: Risen on the 360 had some of the worst inventory UI ever. Almost unplayable. Everything you pick up arranged in unsorted little squares, and it only displayed on half the screen. Arg the nightmares.

@The MSJ: I'd say the Witcher and New Vegas do it to a pretty large extent. There are whole swathes of New Vegas, loads of missions and story arcs and locations you could miss depending on what choices you make.

After reading this about a Red Dead Redemption sequel (threequel?) : [www.playdar.co.uk]

@psykofaze: one of the greatest albums of all time

@MightyMonk: thats exactly what I mean. It was cool to be in space and I was hoping I'd get to do a proper EVA or something.

The space bit in MW2 was cool, when I played it I wished it was a proper level. So I'm happy if this is true. I like space.

Modern Warfare 3

@Archaotic: oh good god The Guy stages haunt my nightmares and I can see it when I close my eyes to blink

Easily one of the best games of the year. I would have happily paid full price for it. A game made by people who understand games for people who love to play games.

@Ryodestined: I don't think game retailers will disappear until there's a major shift in the used-game market.

Codemasters might have charted #1 with F1 2010 but boy oh boy did they put out a shoddy game.

Shame it's missing Super Mario World, although admittedly I have that on the VC anyway.

@Kellen Dunkelberger: Ryo's mother died when she was young, so I guess the idea is that Ine-san was a sort of replacement mother. I don't think it's that uncommon in rich families anyway.

I remember the Christmas that Shenmue came out, my best friend got his copy before me and I went over to his house one weekend and we just played it solidly.

I always search around for a cool rock formation to build my house in, then hollow things out and make a castle.

@rwdebes: I'm sure you did. why not put it on expert if it's so easy then?

I'm hoping that the picture was taken right after he was asked the question.

@RedEye: What's frustrating is that as a game there's this sort of innate desire to win every race. You think you can do it you think you should be able to do it, but when you're driving a Lotus or a Virgin Racing car, you do well just to finish the race.

Do you North Americans not get F1 2010 then? It came out on Friday here in the UK, and I have to say it's bloody great.