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You want to check out They are a great resource for tech compensation.
Plus once they realize you’re not in your seat, they sell your seat to someone else, essentially letting them get paid twice for a single seat.
If the seat is being paid for, why do the airlines care if there’s a person in it? Also, if paying for an extra flight is cheaper than paying for just the first one, that feels like a business model failure.
the weirdest part about the replies here is that this person stated that they do buy the games they want to continue playing. it’s like people literally just failed to read the comment.
Oh, hey. Look at all the “well maybe get some money” assholes replying to you. Maybe if necessities didn’t cost an arm and both legs...
The police in the US have largely been given a blank check giving them the ‘authority’ to carry out a death sentence without due process with absolutely no consequences and for literally any reason they can make up.
That should be unacceptable. Period.
Oh if only it were just Twitter telling me the police were evil, and not the police literally having tried to kill me twice just for existing in their vicinity.
The police do a perfectly good job of telling absolutely everyone who isn’t willfully blind just how abominably awful they are.
Isn’t the only way Google has been getting away with this the fact that nobody’s ever tried to take them to court? All this “we’re a for-profit company, not a public utility” and “we’re not employers and don’t have to abide by labor laws” horseshit needs to go away at somepoint.
Godspeed Bungie. I hope at the very…
that would make too much sense, so no, denied.
They should just include the masks with the COVID tests!
That little worm went on twitter and said we were being unreasonable for wanting things like VOIP, a scoreboard and a working game. He then gaslit then entire fan base and now they’re reaping what they sow. They deserve whatever vitriol that comes their way.
…Quidditch, the favorite wizard sport of transphobes everywhere,…
If anything, this will likely *cause* people that didn’t even play the game from creating tons of dummy accounts specifically to flood them.
just because others have success, doesn’t mean you have to try and replicate it
I can’t bother with Division 2 anymore. Loot grinding just sucks if you’re an average player who doesn’t play constantly unless you’re already min/max and op. Everything is a grindfest, trying to find the best gear/weapon before it gets nerfed to oblivion.
I’ve watched the special multiple times and I’m not hearing where the offense is coming from. Is it because he claimed to be team TERF? How is that harmful to you or anyone else? You disagree with him, he disagrees with you. We’re entering a territory of sterilization. Actually, he kind of called out what would…
I don’t play Destiny so my opinion is worthless, but isn’t charging full(?) price for DLC that will disappear soon pretty scummy? How does Destiny’s f2p model work if the old content isn’t included in the free deal anyway?
I never understood partial ports. I’ll definitely take this over nothing since I primarily game on PC but what about 1-3? The same goes for Microsoft and porting all but Halo 5. I don’t get it.
“In other words, they seem to miss the point.”
No, just shaming intrusive DRM.