
I hate when that’s the default argument for using shitty grammar.

Fun fact, if you shrink your web browsing window enough, it bypasses the slide show view entirely and allows you to scroll as a single page instead of a slide show.

I only ever play the campaigns in these types of games. So it’s a hard pass for me. Which is fine.

It would be one thing if it was moving to f2p. But having a $70 MP only game with paid battle passes and microtransactions is just plain bad, I’m sorry. Everyone saying that the single player campaign won’t be missed is just helping them justify this BS.

I wouldn’t call an update for DLC, free DLC.  You still have to buy the DLC.

Yeah, I don't care about the game at all, but that sounds like a pretty big plot point to spoil lol

Wow! no spoiler warning about the ending?? Like seriously??

I brush once a day, when I wake up, but I generally floss after every meal. My dentist says I’m doing fine.

Yeah but like, if I just donate to charities I don't get something in return. Why would I donate to a charity if I don't get something for that donation you silly pants crazy person.

There was no mention of having to be US citizen to be eligible in the text of the law. As long as you are eligible for COBRA, your prior firm should send you notice and when you sign up, the COBRA administrator should not send you bill for the premium until Oct. 1.

You know the image is on the feed, right? You don’t actually have to click the link to see it.

You know the image is on the feed, right? You don’t actually have to click the link to see it.

The problem is the pic above was on the front page of the site and had any female in the company have been around when I happened to bring up the front page of the site, THAT would have been enough to haul me to HR.

The problem is the pic above was on the front page of the site and had any female in the company have been around

Oh so now we’re back to NSFW? And no warning! Yikes!

Oh so now we’re back to NSFW? And no warning! Yikes!

The page about transferring data is so hilariously convoluted and the entire process was so botched that it went past infuriating to me as a series fan, to hilarious. It is legitimately over the top how difficult they made this for their customers. They would have been better off just saying “you’re all starting

Man, once again another highly teased title comes to console and not PC.

I really, really hate that the online world is so damn harshly judgmental that some people are terrified of mildly expressing a dissenting opinion. It’s an ugly look for this site and it’s audience if a poster like this doesn’t feel like they can share their thoughts without getting trampled.

This is why I’m so reluctant to discuss politics or morals with people. Yeah Ubisoft may have appropriated questionable source material but the message is obvious. On its face, to me, the quote is about standing in solidarity with other groups because we all have something in common. It’s also about not letting an

I completely disagree. The quote was very tactfully used for the purpose of conveying the tone of the world of Watch Dogs: Legion. Just because it was used in a trailer to promote a game does not make it “insidious”. These type of things are done all the time for works of art, especially for movies.