Legate Damar

Overconfidence. The hallmark of the Weyouns. Maybe the Founders should eliminate that from his genetic recipe next time.

And so twelve years ago, a contract was signed in which Star Trek properties were transferred to CBS. In it CBS promised to extend Star Trek's influence throughout the media world. In exchange, we pledged ourselves to join their war against the other networks whose median viewer age was well below fifty. This property

Ryan is Weyoun. Same hair.

Put the pencil down, Benny.

Every one of him felt the Kazon were lazy and all Andorians were thieves.

He died on the way back to his home planet.

What have I ever done to you to merit such a cutting insult? Mike Pence is more Duras than anything. A sniveling coward who enjoys attacking the weak and helpless.

"Make America Go Again!" He and Rejinad make a great team.

He's Quark without the lobes.

I object to being compared to that cowering schmuck Pence. He has not one shred of decency or honor. He cares nothing for the common good and would just as soon betray his fellow citizens for his own gain than defend those who disagrees with. He is a weak tea GUL Broca.

Mr. President, I served with Gul Dukat. I know Gul Dukat. Gul Dukat is a friend of mine. Donald, you're no Gul Dukat.

She can sing to me anytime.

I always suspected Weyoun was gay. Too tidy, too neat. Never went out on dates. Always checking the Breen out in the sonic showers at the Central Command gym.

Farewell, only Federation admiral who wasn't insane or a total dick.

Ship looks ridiculous. Does CBS have a bunch of Pakleds working for them?

Network TV is great if you drink enough kanar.

Limited to CBS' proprietary streaming service? Oh, brilliant move. Way to ruin a sure-fire ratings bonanza. Who do they have making decisions for them? Vorta? They won't see a single slip of latinum from me or Cardassia.

With men like Fuller on our side how can we fail?

Gul Dukat. He was a great man.

I second that motion.