Legate Damar

Soldiers see partisans as less than honorable. For good reason.

The hero was a girl! Ewwww! Coodies!

So this is in the JJ-Verse?

2/3 isn't bad.

Just make True Lies 2 and King Conan already, Arnold.

A First Officer can be a Glin or a Gil in the Cardassian military.

What's the matter wittle baby can't take a little criticism? So awful the people you pester on weekly basis are tired of your childish schtick.

No love for Star Trek: First Contact in all its Patrick Stewart screaming and Borg bowel diving, Worf zero-G slicing, Data/Borg Queen uglies bumping, "Assimilate this!" glory?

So many thin-skinned people. Are all die-hard Trump supporters so easily triggered and fragile.

Family jewels? No thanks.

Prank you for hours in Garak's basement.

He draws from a pension? What an awful human.

Looks like Breitbart has been alerted. Oh no.

Resist. Resist this NPD addled troglodyte. Resist today. Resist tomorrow. Resist until every single strand of his cloned and plugged horse asshairs are removed from the White House.

Romulans have more honor than Trump. He'd destroy the US if he ever perceived it as betraying him. People with NPD care for nothing but themselves. Resist! Resist today. Resist tomorrow. For America!

Is she a Ferengi?

This guy is worse than Weyoun.

Interesting article. That rendering of the Nebula Class starship from SD to HD is very good. Perhaps a Kickstarter campaign would be beneficial.

Don't give those jackals a dime.

With commenters like you how can we fail?