Matthew Legarreta

I don’t really get why it has to be either/or. It’s possible to write a show about good people being nice that’s boring as hell to sit through, just like it’s possible to write a show about a gaggle of assholes that’s viscerally unpleasant to watch. While keeping command of your tone is important, I don’t think just

I’m of two minds about this. On the one hand, I do feel like there was possibly a bit of that, and Rick wouldn’t be limited by notions of gender, not because hes progressive but because he fucks bizarre aliens and hive minds.

On the other hand, it sort of bugs me how people now sort of assume every story of platonic

Reunion working title:
O Brother Where Art Thou: I’m Right Here Writing/Directing With You Again

[Rick and Morty lazily serves up the 400,000th riff on “say hello to my little friend”]

Well, what an interesting take.

Duke Phillips: “Your job is to rate movies on a scale from ‘Good’ to ‘Excellent’.”

I think the meta joke that Rick and Morty is telling now is that boy, isn’t it a stupid idea to order 70 episodes of a show all at once? We may not laugh at the episodes anymore, but at least Roiland and Harmon are laughing every day.

I think this show and Falcon And Winter Soldier would have been better if they were both 8 episodes long, with more time to flesh out the characters and their motivations (especially on FAWS).  But, I can’t tell if 6 episodes for both series was always the plan or if COVID fucked things up and forced some trimming.

As an American Dad! fan (yes the show is still on, why do you ask?), Baby Yoda being called “Grogu” makes absolutely no sense to me and I feel like it’s a personal attack.

Re-tool it as a cartoon with a newly-released from prison Sideshow Bob rooming with a down on his luck Leonardo Leonardo who has lost his fortune and I’m there.

penultimate?? Yikes.  I haven’t seen the episode yet, but it feels like this season is just getting started.  The first four felt pretty unfocused. 

Sorry (and sorry this is so long), but I have to strongly disagree. First of all, throughout movie history this has happened more often than one would think, with very limited publicity. In recent years, it has been pretty damn common for this to happen in the open: just off the top of my head, it happened to both

Kong gave Godzilla an expired coupon.

Either way, this petty film puts hoary clichés about critical misunderstanding—updated for the online think-piece era—into the mouth of a character who asserts that Do the Right Thing was revolutionary because it was “made at a time when politics weren’t cool.”

In the third one we’re just gonna drop the pretense and bomb Palestine.

So, did Bo-Katan forget that she didn’t have to fight anyone for the Darksaber the first time? Because if you want to make that a rule now, then no one ever defeated Sabine and she’s still the rightful owner.

Then may I suggest you stop commenting on stories that are not directly about COVID-19 deaths? Better yet, avoid a site altogether if the great majority of stories on it are not about COVID-19 deaths. This is a site for entertainment news, something too frivolous for you to waste your precious energy on.


Aye. He can’t win, and that’s by design.

I hope this doesn’t become a trend of matching character race with voice actor race. Whatever anyone says, it is impossible to tell someone’s race from their voice. Vocal cords don’t vary by skin color or ethnicity. A black Scotsman on the phone is going to sound more “Scottish” than how Americans think of as “black.”