
I was deployed when this happened, and we had to scramble to change things that we were worried had been compromised. She gets very little sympathy from me.

This may be the most rational thing I’ve ever heard from a Pats fan.

As an LGBT POC female veteran, that’s legitimately terrifying.


Now that we’ve confirmed it was a sign, what are the odds the crowd panicked because a black man raised his hands above his waist?

I feel like if they are as underhanded as all that, they would be capable of taking him out in a completely innocuous way, where no one can prove ANYTHING

Conservatwitter is already proclaiming it a assassination attempt by Hillary and Obama.

It could be another brand of Christianity or it could be a corporate run hospital that kept a historic name, but check the website, and if unsure, call them. They’ll tell you if they are related to a religious order.

Lots of people who don’t have kids until later in life! She was born in 1968, so if every one in the family had kids after 41, you’ve got a teenager in the revolution. Make one of them into an old codger with a young wife, and you’ve got a normal timeline for everyone else...

My favorite part of coaching is that, about once every couple weeks, I get to absolutely lay out a player. There’s no malice in it, and it’s usually to teach a technique, but they are convinced I am an absolutely amazing tackler. Only me and the future Ms. legalrugby know how much more than one tackle like that would

This! I was talking to a friend yesterday about how I can watch GOT, but not TWD. GOT seems to have engaged with their fan base about the violence and sexual violence, and to some extent uses it in pursuit of story. I feel like TWD’s creator basically gave a big raspberry to the fans, and use the story in pursuit of

HAHA. Yes, that.

I had to stop watching because of my schedule last year, but I downloaded episode one of this season and watched it on a recent flight. I was literally giggling on the plane.

See, and I felt that in the context of the article, where the office had so many contacts who clearly identified as agents on behalf of the NFL, there was never a written request from any of them, nor a written request that they could use to prove the NFL previously had the documents.

Yup! There was a pretty good article on here yesterday about exactly how easy it was for deadspin to get this months ago.

Actually, it is a distinction the law recognizes. It is literally a law that defines a written request for the records, in compliance with that law; if that request is not submitted, they do not have to comply with the law, as the access is not invoked. Check out the article on here earlier today about how easy it was

Its AMAZINGLY white. I went to law school there, and as a hispanic who usually passes for white, I was physically uncomfortable in that town.

I flew home from Afghanistan for emergency leave a couple years ago - I took military transport as far as ATL, so of course, I was in uniform, and i had to take Delta to get out of there.

I was up there for the Cardinals game, and my in laws (season ticket owners) couldn’t understand my discomfort with the number of confederate flags at the tailgates around us, since “they’ve always been part of the union up here.”