
My fiancé has been working in higher education since she graduated from undergrad, but I spent 10 years in the army before working in higher Ed. We have vastly different views on what an 18-year-old is capable of, and what they should be held accountable for.

I went to University of Maryland, and one of my additional duties at the school that I work at now is a title IX investigator. I would kill to even have the scale of training they are talking about.

OK, the fiancé is out of town this weekend. Is this worth using up my one binge watching day?

Am I the only person who didn’t know who this guy was before this?

My take away was that he has both acts of overt racism and acts of subtextual racism.

I also think it was meant to physically rattle Hilary, in attempt to make it easier for him to make her loose her cool.

Cool, so we have a replacement for Hope solo, right?

To be fair, it’s also technically an ongoing investigation (although I doubt anything would come of it - it’s pretty rare for a civil case to come to trial before criminal charges, and her legal was probably given a heads up the DA has no intention of filing)

I think it’s a little more outraged that anyone that he was once so benevolent too could turn on him.

The first trailer seemed to imply that he was a big state secret - that they hid the news of the first birth from the rest of the world so that they wouldn’t know astronauts have sex, or that he was born on another planet.

did you see this? Its not complete, but its got some of them.

I would argue she doesn’t. As far as I can remember, she’s never asked a straight woman if she had to sleep with a woman to know she was straight.

I work in Higher Education, and just for optics, I know when we’ve received a bequest, we’ve moved money. I.E. announce you are using it to fund the library, and books, and quietly move $1m that was earmarked for that into a scoreboard.

Right? Task the engineering or design students, and get one in house.

I’ve shared a story on here before about him chasing me around with our dissected pig’s head. But that one... It’s hard to explain. It’s kind of been reduced to a catchphrase among the people who were there.

My dad has been gone for 6 years, and when my fiancee mentioned what she was thinking of for her father-daughter dance, she had to pull the car over because I was blubbering.

I went to high school with him, and when people tell me he’s cute, or that he’s sexy, it takes everything I have not to laugh at them. I’ve seen what he grew up to be! But in my head, he is 8-11th grade lab partner josh. The same kid told stories after lights out at space camp about having sex in formaldehyde.

7-9? From what I saw before I fell asleep, thats a lot of faith

I was kind of smiling up till then, but that made me snort.

that seems contrary to everything that’s been said - everything I’ve heard or read said studio interference, and the studio turning the movie over to the company that cut the first trailer - a company who had never cut a movie before - was the issue. Did you see something different?