
No, Anthony Bourdain wins that prize for what he did to his family and loved ones today.

Hi, did Monique Judge get Hamilton Nolan fired?

heavy.com does this a lot and it’s solely for clicks via google. Lots of ads, etc. pretty crappy that Newsweek is doing this now

Nah. He’s weak.

Where is Hamilton Nolan?

At least Paula Deen hasn’t offed herself and abandoned her family.

I was thinking the same thing inside but waiting for someone else to say it.

Shoulda checked that tire pressure for the errant 1.5PSI before leaving the house

My constant attempts at starting a Subaru Legacy wave has only been met with a return wave twice.

Just buy one of these, ugly guys!

For real! I’ve flown Austin to Dublin, Ireland for $599 only to have the hotels easily add up to more than that for 5-6 nights. Plus people don’t realize how quickly things add up when you’re not used to using them regularly, such as eating meals while on vacation and having to Uber or use public transport (vs. eating

It’s actually Hamilton Nolan...after what we’ve been calling, “getting Monique Judge Steamrolled”

Hopefully his fellow inmates change his status from predator to prey

Have y’all fired Hamilton Nolan after Monique Judge’s beatdown a few weeks ago? I haven’t seen him here in like over 2 weeks!

lol no they’re not

Most were sales account execs and yes we brought on 5 women. All 12 replacements were external hires too, we were long overdue for a culture change.

I personally love almost all your articles, but I gotta ask...

We fired a dozen employees for offenses that in previous years would have resulted in a reassignment or role change. this includes a VP, so it’s been fantastic.

Here at work we have all talked about it within my department with some openness...

yeah I wouldn’t consider WhatsApp very secure. It’s pretty much useful for international texting