
This deal's getting worse all the time!

There are some great places in Astoria - I just moved to the neighborhood a couple weeks ago and am beginning to explore, mainly sticking to 30th Ave and Broadway for the moment.

I'm totally with you on the etiquette question. I always assume that, if I'm asking a guy out, I'm paying. Of course, I also assume that we'll split the check if he asks me out, so double standards? At any rate, for that reason, I usually opt for a drink or a walk or something as a first date so the very real

Things have improved for me in the last couple of weeks. For one, I am now settling into the new apartment. That has been an interesting adjustment for a couple of reasons. 1) I haven't had a roommate since I was in my early twenties. That roommate had been a good friend before he moved in with me, so we had a reason

My favorite of Purcell's operas: Dildo and Anus!

I've had a couple dreams involving the ex this past week. We weren't back together in either of them, so I didn't have the trauma of breaking up again. Once is really enough.

What? It came up organically!

Still, that is an effort, and I think you may be discounting it. When all other contact has been cut off, that last bit is the hardest to let go. Besides which, his breaking off contact doesn't make the situation any easier for you.

I have gone back and forth about staying in touch with my ex. On the one hand, I think that getting over him would be far easier if he's not in my life. On the other hand, the aspect of the breakup that has made me saddest is thinking that he won't be in my life at all. I admire your strength to cut off contact,

This ad is getting worse all the time!

I'd agree with the other respondents. As a general rule, I don't want to date any guy who is very religious, regardless of the specific religion. Of course, it depends on the specific person and the importance he places on his beliefs. On the one hand, I grew up in a very conservative Christian environment, and I

There is a point at which dealing with a sexual/romantic partner's morning routine becomes something I'm more willing to do. That point is not, however, the first morning. Particularly with a hookup, regardless of the extent to which there were other activities. I had a similar experience with a 24-year-old. Needless

I heard his MD is just honorary.

Happy birthday and many happy returns! I hope that this year will be better than the last.

The thing to remember with the Greek myths is that any one myth can be read in a myriad of ways. Look at Homer and how the various heroes use different myths to make their points. In retelling the myth, the speaker selects those details that support his or her goal and omits others (and even changes some). This is one

The word Hesiod uses is 'elpis', commonly translated as 'hope'. Later it comes to mean 'expectation'.

Thank you. I've been trying to come up with an appropriate response. I haven't yet been able to, but I didn't want a lack of response to convey a suggestion that your advice wasn't appreciated. Your advice really resonates with me. I'm not sure why, but it seems easier to bare my heart ache to strangers than to say

Fortunately we haven't been in New York long enough for the places I frequent to have that kind of emotional resonance. As for time (away from the ex) healing the wounds, that's what I've been noticing. The apartment feels empty when he's not here (which is why it's also good that I'm moving out rather than staying

I am sorry. That is not fun. I'd say focus on yourself and not on what she's doing. I think, though I don't know you, I can say that you deserve better than that because no one deserves that.

And I don't think he intentionally deceived me about his reasons for wanting an open relationship. I think it was that, over that time, he learned what he wanted, and I was not it.