
Here come the mansplainers to mansplain mansplaining to us.

Do you have Tourette’s syndrome? Because that’s at least three posts I’ve read with your cunnilingus obsession.

You’re fucking vile.


At this point the people bitching about Rick and Morty’s worst fans are about as intolerable as Rick and Morty’s worst fans.

Holy shit, you are insufferable.

Still nope. If anything, I have more of a call to be angry at the establishment for not having honey mustard, as that is something that is part of their regular menu and they shouldn’t be running out of. But I don’t get angry, because it’s a minor inconvenience. And you don’t get to say, “But they drove so far to get

Nope, if you are that concerned about a fucking sauce packet, you’re an asshole. You don’t get to be furious at a restaurant for not giving you a packet of sauce.

The crap they had to put up with these irate fans goes to show they do deserve $15/hr

Hey if they flipped each of them for a few hundred apiece, I say god bless.

Goodness! If I were Dan Harmon I know I’d certainly hurry up and get more episodes ready for this delightful fan base right away! Certainly wouldn’t convince me to take an extended vacation in Hawaii and drink Mai Tais for six months and troll them with pictures of me slathering myself with szechuan sauce.

This is the perfect case of Lisa thinking he couldn’t possibly do this because he’s donated to Dems and progressive groups. This is why people hate some liberals because they only have enough principles until the money comes rolling in. Glad to see some Dem Senators rejecting his donations (Leahy, Heinrich, Blumenthal

I am happy to know this about Mama Fatone. I’ve always felt like Joey was the best of NSYNC. He just seems like a nice man. And the years have been kind to him, the salt n pepper is very becoming on him.

I’d rather respect her privacy. Harvey is a sleazeball, I have zero qualms about respecting his. But you definitely know her.

“I’m just a caveman, frightened by your modern world and giant steel birds....” Ha! The Jay-Z quote is gold, though. What a maroon!

Little know fact, back in the 1960s and 70s, men actually had tiny turkey brains so any time they showered there was always a risk that they would look up at the showerhead and open their mouths, thereby drowning in the process. Because women were too smart to do this, it was actually imperative they every man had a

Lisa Bloom? o rly

I think “well-regulated militia” is pretty damn obviously referring to an organization with recorded bylaws and procedures, not any damn fool with a hankering for firepower. Our current interpretation makes as much sense as using the seventh amendment to require jury trials for any fine above $20.

I like to think that if the Founders could have envisioned one person having the equivalent or better arsenal of an entire army (of their time) the wording of that amendment might have been a little more obvious. It’s maddening to know that the current keepers of that document are well aware of that fact and couldn’t
