
More than 10 times a day. And it really, truly is mentally and spiritually exhausting. I can’t imagine how much worse it would be if I were one of the dozens of millions of people who sit more squarely in the crosshairs of the cruelty and hatred he embodies.

Every day, I realize more and more that the election of this man represents some kind of great surrendering by a huge chunk of Americans, that they basically stopped caring if the most powerful man in the most powerful country/ economy ever could actually do his job with even a tiny amount of competence or training,

It’s a relatively small and banal part of the job, and it pales in comparison to all the other ways he sucks, but the way he responds to these disasters is sickening to me. That an adult human cannot suppress the reflex to engage in superfluous praise (mostly of himself) to focus on victims of a disaster is

They thought you could just hook up a nuclear powered vessel for power? Ah yes, let me just plug this extension cable here into the outlet on the ship and we’ll get Puerto Rico fired right back up.

Among the many things that have made me see red, the plain-text doc with a fake-ass listing of US military assets not actually deployed in PR that was all over moron Twitter was really just too much.

So, seriously, I know we’re 10 months in but how often do the rest of you have one of those “Oh right, Donald Fucking Trump is the President of the United States” moments? It happens to me less often now but still, you know, once or twice a week. The guy they used to make fun of in Bloom County, the guy Ali G screwed

I’m not a woman

Oh wow I would be really shocked to hear that someone like that has been violent towards women.

Ah, but see there’s the difference! Obama has something that we adults call “A filter”, allowing the person in question to go “I have a thought. Is this thought appropreate for the setting and company I am in? No? Well then, I shall move onto something else” and not just spew whatever random bullshit bubbles up in his

If you watch Obama’s entire bit, especially him poking fun at Trump and the birther nonsense, you can almost see the birth of a supervillain being played out in real time.

“Get over it! You lost!”

What I don’t get is that the whole thing is predicated on the idea that even though the GOP controls the White House, the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court as well as the majority of individual state governments but the Democrats are really in charge of everything. You’d have easier mental gymnastics just saying

After contemplating the sad state of the human condition after hearing about the shooting this morning, i immediately thought, “surely not even Alex Jones could think this was a hoax.”

I wish Pinhead and the Cenobites were real. I wish they turned Alex Jones into hamburger as slow as possible

No, of course we’re talking about the tightly woven Christian allegory that is Charlotte’s Web. You see, Charlotte represents Jesus, Wilbur represents the sinner, and Templeton is Satan. (Actually that kind of makes sense.)

Zantar is a gelatinous cube that eats warriors in a medieval village. Every time it eats a chieftain, you ascend to a higher level.

The “everything happens for a reason” rationalization, in contexts like these, makes me incandescently furious. So, what — God’s plan was that a child should die horrifically, that the child’s family should be shattered, that the life of the driver be shattered, so that some moppet across town can get a heart

See, now I have to start telling people almost the same thing I said for most of 2016: Don’t expect 2018 to be any better.

Relax, tough guy. I’m not complaining about long books, I’m remarking on this one. It’s weird you are so emotionally invested in my opinion about Stephen King’s coke-tome.

For all that we might disagree with some of their analysis now, We owe those second-wavers so much. Great article, thanks!