For some reason, Clint Eastwood and the other makers of Richard Jewell decided that the tragic story needed a retelling with the addition of a spicy suggestion that Kathy Scruggs fucked for tips.
For some reason, Clint Eastwood and the other makers of Richard Jewell decided that the tragic story needed a retelling with the addition of a spicy suggestion that Kathy Scruggs fucked for tips.
Right? Every single cliche in the book. I’m embarrassed for them.
This really is ABC sitcom circa 1996-level humor, though. It also seems extremely whitebread. Who’s the target audience for this? Middle class white grandfathers?
I am as well. Privately I’ll gladly call them whatever I like and fight like hell to gain a vocal and present majority at the seat of government.
Rosemary’s Baby?
I’m sure they said something similar when Jackie Robinson was signed. Why do you have to make baseball political? I just want mandatory pledges to the government as military jets roar over head. Why bring politics into that.
I use a Handspring Visor Prism everyone assumes is a Palm IIIc
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.
Poey’s plan is for everyone who replaces Gorsuch to also have heart attacks. It’s a good plan. Poey’s plan is certainly far superior to anything the fucking Democrats have come up with.
At least that would have at given me two seconds of hilarity during my month having a GIANT SPLEEN of listening to my doctor tell me I had a ‘fabulously sized spleen’. And then I would have cried because laughing hurts really bad when your spleen is the size of a football.
He and the sheriff’s department have been sued ad nauseum. Millions and millions of dollars in settlement and jury verdicts have been paid out. His fans don’t care. He doesn’t pay it. The deputies don’t pay it. The taxpayers pay it.
I’m waiting for her to write a song about all of her FedExes
Is that papyrus?
“What’s most obnoxious about this clip is how Fey is encouraging people to actively ignore neo-Nazis, by characterizing the protests as “violent” and urging those who might otherwise be encouraged to physically show up to stay at home.”
Jesus Christ this site is sour and humorless.
click the link
Oh wow! I had forgotten Alan Keyes existed!