If you can’t grasp the difference between “destroyed” and “played with,” I sincerely hope you have not reproduced and have no plans to do so.
If you can’t grasp the difference between “destroyed” and “played with,” I sincerely hope you have not reproduced and have no plans to do so.
I live in Sacramento, CA and get regular manicures. This is horrifying!!! Can anyone offer any advice on how to find out if a salon engages in these practices without being so offensive you get chased out of the shop?
Any woman who's not insulted by these ads really SHOULD vote Republican.
Thank you for your excellent comment, which gets ALL the lolz!!!!
So is this Ken-dull's version of Kim's sex tape? Because I would have preferred a sex tape as a fame-whore career launch.
Best ad EVAH!!!!
¡Mi casa NO ES su casa!
I love the moment when she closes her eyes and leans her head back as she crams the floor-chips into her mouth in apparent bliss, and the snarky off-camera voice says, "Those good?" I feel sure she said, "FUCK YEAH!"
To Chuck Creekmur: You a stupid hoe, you a stupid hoe, you a stupid hoe. —Nicki Minaj.
Since most of the replies are off-topic argumenta ad hominem, I'd like to chime in on the main point of this riveting article: I would MUCH rather go to a weed wedding than one with an open bar. I always feel edgy around people who are drinking a lot, because I keep waiting for somebody to throw up or throw a punch,…
Wish I could post this to FB, but I can't stand the thought of my fanatic vegan friends cheering for PETA. Barf, srsly.
You be you, Mark, and drink whatever the hell you like. Tell those craft brew snob hipsters to save it for Park Slope.
I don't imagine it would take Whoopi very long to throttle Palin with her bare hands. And no jury in the land would convict her.
I have a friend who lives in Vallejo (Sacramento here), and she earns more than her husband. That's because he can't find a job. I mean, because he's a stay-at-home dad.
Um...was that supposed to be a double entendre?
I'm old enough to be a millenial's parent, and I also loathe VM. I find a text to be much faster and less intrusive, since you can glance at a text while you're, say, in a meeting or on line somewhere. VM requires much more attention, and for what? YOU COULD HAVE SAID THE SAME THING IN A TEXT.
Kaepernick may not be a rapist, but he's clearly a Grade A douche.
Word: accessory
Best. Gif. EVAH!!!!!!
As soon as I read the dead giveaway sentence, "We apologize to anyone who was offended," I knew these yahoos did not get it and were not sorry.