
You can't trash-talk me out of trying one. YOU CAN'T!!!

I've never split an infinitive on the internet, either.

In re: the third sentence of your second paragraph, the word you're looking for is "affect," not "effect."

I want to buy all these twig bitches a double cheeseburger and an eyebrow pencil.

The fraught relationships most people have with their parents mean that it's vital to avoid "friends" who tell you your boyfriend is a loser and you could do better if you'd just lose twenty pounds and quit eating meat and gluten. A real friend will take you out for drinks and a steak, and will tell you he didn't

So very grateful I don't know you, Judgy McJudgejudge. You are unclear on the concept of unconditional love.

Funniest food article EVER!!!

C.A. And Rebecca, you win the ENTIRE INTERNET today. In the interest of full disclosure, however, you might want to warn your readers that this is NSFW. I laughed so hard I have mascara all over my face. Totally worth it!!!

It took me until the very end of the video to figure out the logo. At first, I thought part of it was Florida (thanks to seeing the Bugs Bunny gif nine million times). Then I thought it was some kind of hipster headphones. Cool business idea, but your logo needs work, guys.

Oh, you mean Joe Lieberman?

You had me at pâte à choux.

I understand: Cinnabon, etc. However, the sweetbreads were in the Entree section of the menu, between the rack of lamb and the swordfish, and were described as being served with mushrooms and cream sauce.

I once worked in a French restaurant that had sweetbreads on the menu. A customer once ordered them and then sent them back when she discovered the dish was not vegetarian.

For good customer service, end your call before approaching the window.