RBG Pleeeease Don't Die

Just like Bernie, Beto relies 100% on individual donations from you, the voter. Beto doesn’t want corporate money because Beto doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone or anything except you, the voter.

No, I’m not. He even changed his burner name while keeping the same account.  Plus, he admitted to it.

No. And you can’t make me.

Uhhhh... what?  First of all, Hillary won the popular vote.  Second, Bernie is part of that “previous-generation,” he’s just trying to spin himself as something fresh, which is a total lie anyways.  He’s been sitting up in VT doing nothing for decades and all of a sudden now, because of him, we should scrap everything

Incidentally, I fucking love tomatoes. I slice up roma tomatoes, smother them in salt and pepper, and dump them in a bowl with some garlic and olives and just go to town.

We shit on him for it already :) What else you got?

Actual gay here. Can confirm Obama is not gay. He does not attend the conventions, although we do invite him.

What am I going to do . . . with a gun rack?

I’m dying to know what you think he should be charged with.

they see it. They are just that desperate.

Better hunker down when RBG kicks the bucket.

I’m trying to understand how one uses they/their/them pronouns in Spanish or Catalan? Inanimates and plurals are gendered, and unlike English or (especially) German, there is no liguistic neutral gender.

A fascinating idea that I would rather apply to Trump: Make a giant golf course where the final hole is in Mexico and thus he gets arrested for crossing borders without his passport.

I hate to say this, but I feel like us folks at Splinter really over-estimate how much antipathy the general Democratic voters have towards the Clintons and Obamas.

That was a pathetic exploitation as well.  You know he’s on the Supreme Court, obviously.  So you’re basically admitting this is a delay scheme, which is obvious to everyone but the dishonest. 

FBI already said that they wouldn’t investigate this when they first got notice from Feinstein.

Thats being generous. Shes going to have a tough time proving that they ever interacted at all.