RBG Pleeeease Don't Die

Please refrain from using brainpower epithets.  I consider those hate speech.  Ok, talk later.

Delete and apologize ASAP. 

NYT is the paper of record. NYT is the single most influential news source in the entire world. NYT is the oldest circulating paper in the history of the world. NYT is the essence of the free press. NYT is a lot of things. Fake News is not one of them.

Yeah I guess I just don’t subscribe to this kind of cynical world view.

Uhhh... not white.

If we end up failing to gain seats in the midterms it will be because of people like yourself who have somehow warped their understanding of reality to include the idea that maybe, just maybe, Bernie really did win the primary and should now be leading things for a party of which he is not part. 

Uhhhh... what?  First of all, Hillary won the popular vote.  Second, Bernie is part of that “previous-generation,” he’s just trying to spin himself as something fresh, which is a total lie anyways.  He’s been sitting up in VT doing nothing for decades and all of a sudden now, because of him, we should scrap everything

He’s still our best shot in 2020.  Howard Schultz and Mike Bloomberg are in a battle for 2a and 2b. 

Those who allow for communism can be considered nothing else.

“Rape Culture” is a 2015 term that lost all meaning once Hillary lost.  You are correct that Kavanaugh is innocent though.  Christy Ford’s allegations are false.  She is lying and she is exploiting actual victims of sexual abuse.  Shame on her, and shame on everyone trying to use her lie for political gain. 

A good practice would be to, when you think you know something but aren’t sure, just go look it up instead of having to rely on assumption. This is what I do and everyone should be like me. Not to mention, you know what they say about ass-u-meing, don’t you?

Naw I ain’t. 

Hillary outspent Trump 3-1 and didn’t even come close to winning.  She has never won a competitive election so it wasn’t really a surprise.  Whatever, the point is that nobody watches TV anymore and these ads don’t work.

Nurses are underappreciated. Thank you for what you do.

Italians.  Everyone knows that. 

Literally actually WHO?

Really good troll, to be honest.  Respect, even though the Hoteps destroyed you all on Twitter for it.

Anyone to the... right of the Tea Party?  

I am unable to dismiss my own posts.

Starred prior to reading your last line.  I shall not remove the star, however.  I am not a petty person.