RBG Pleeeease Don't Die

Except... Uranium One was a real thing that happened. Hillary received hundreds of millions of dollars from The Kremlin[!!!] for enabling them to buy 20% of our domestic uranium reserves. That happened. That it didn’t “topple” them is testament to the media’s covering for them. Your average person on the street had no

Hillary will die of sickness any day now and Barack, like John McCain, is about to fake his own death.  Screencap this. 

You know their end game as do I. Come on. It was SCOTUS all along. Stack the bench, challenge 2A. Beyond that there are all sorts of little federal regulations they could slowly roll out. Limiting mag size, caliber, etc. Redefining what a gun is. You barely need an imagination to see how this could be done.

Aiding and abetting terrorists inside the US would be the first thing probably. Weaponizing the FBI against a presidential candidate would be another. Lots coming out soon.

That was actually pretty funny. She’s extremely old and will die soon, that’s what got me initially. Then I realized there was a second layer regarding the tenured prof who’s lying about Kavanaugh and I chuckled again.

I’m easily confused, so please pardon my confusion on what you have said here.   But seems to me you’re saying Trumpy is... liberal?

He’s not alone. Should only take a couple months for the NRA to build up its coffers once more. I’m a member and I don’t even own a gun, let alone enough guns to necessitate a gun rack. 

The Second Amendment is, and always will be, part of The Constitution.

Obama being sent to Gitmo which he promised to close?


NRA spending on Trump is testament to how anti-2A Obama and Hillary were. RIP to both, naturally. Thoughts and prayers. Trump is the opposite.

I hate to spoil the fun, but she won’t see 2019.

She’s not going to testify you silly, silly gooses. Don’t you see? How do you not see? She is just going to say she’s going to testify but she needs to be “ready.” She needs to be prepared. She needs to find the strength that Mr. Kavanaugh stole from her 36 long years ago.

What an interesting interpretation. 

Neanderthalman works for Telemundo and knows it’s me for a fact.

This is great, but we have a lot of work left to do. America incarcerates more people than every other country combined. We need to fix that. We need to end the privatization of jails. We need to end incarceration for things like selling drugs, non violent theft, and tax evasion. We need to do better at solving The

Yes they could.  Don’t be ridiculous. 

Shut it down!
