
Football related concussions claim another victim.

If Lucy just held the football ONE FUCKING TIME we wouldn’t be talking about this right now!

This guy’s the George Costanza of presidential candidates.

It’s from poverbs.

Please show me that person, because I will sit at their knee and I will learn from them.”

I’m guessing within 10 years this will be seen as a normal part of teenage sexual experimentation.

I’m so glad, for so many reasons, that social media was in like MySpace infancy when I was in high school.

I’m not a nurse, but I gotta recount what my badass nurse cousin did this weekend...

My old roommate was a nurse. We lived down the street from our city’s main hospital, and we wanted another roommate to help out with rent. She was not the most ideal roommate for my best friend, but I liked her enough that one Sunday afternoon we walked down to the gas station to pick up some 40s so we could day drink

Sicilian’s don’t get into trees and they sure as hell don’t drive when it’s flooding. They do send their husband out to get milk when it’s flooding.

His wife is Cecilia. He sent the video to her and she sent it in to the news station. The reporters thought that the husband and wife were together and he says “my wife is Cecilia, she’s at home.” The whole flippin situation is crazy.

What does his wife being Sicilian have anything to do with her not being there?

Probably on Verizon. If he had Sprint it would have been shit creek without a paddle for sure.

UPDATE: Kerry’s down from the tree.

No. Your thoughts pretty much sum up how I feel about this. Like “Ha ha. Judaism is such a joke.”

No, you are not being too grumpy at all. This is wildly tasteless and ill-conceived.

As a Jew, I’m really not sure how to unpack this. I’m not religious in the sense that I go to temple or keep kosher or observe Shabbos ( although I may need to incorporate some of this due to JujyJunior), but I dunno if I like this. I don’t impose my views on other folks but this seems like a weird mix of celebrating

You really can’t see why this is stupid? The narcissism, the addiction to their phones, the inability to connect to the world around them. It’s all pretty sad. I mean it’s not like they took one or two selfies, they were all literally glued to their phones the whole time taking selfie after selfie. The announcer is