Leftenant Pepper

Psssh, Harvard referencing, please!

As long as they view the backside of water in awe at some point, I will forgive this film anything.

Always followed by "Can I just talk to your supervisor?"
Doris, I would love nothing more than to hand you over to someone else. This hurts me more than it hurts you.

Giving an old person precise instructions, even in person, is about as useful as giving a one year old the same instructions. In Old Norse. They won't listen and often do the exact opposite to what you say anyway.

His sarcastic delivery was too perfect, Marvel couldn't allow it on screen.

Asa Butterfield will always be baby Mordred to me, so if he is cast I will spend the whole movie expecting him to stab his mentor figure in the gut.

I finished university, promptly started a three day bender and decided to take up cross stitching.

Well, good. A lot of vibrancy would've left with them.

I've see it interpreted that Cap's frantic glances around are him actively looking for Bucky within his dream, but as that's a stretch at best. A glimpse of a metallic arm or something would be subtle, but a nice touch.

He did not! And I don't think Barton finished fixing the fence with his moppets either.

No one checked the body! The bullet glances off the glasses or something. He could be in a hospital under an alias, just waiting for someone to bring him a new suit so he may return to England!
…I just really want Firth to come back.

Yes, but have you seen RDJ's butt? The man is still eye candy.

We could get the Danny, Lydia & Stiles trifecta I always dreamed of! And nobody dies except the baddies.

I regret we may never get Emma Stone's take on Spider-Gwen. She would've been amazing.
There may not be enough alcohol in the world to get rid of the remaining mind numbingly stupid "ideas" though.

It was Christmas? And he sang a song about how love was terrible because Beast was ignoring him.
It was all vaguely homoerotic now I think about it.

I did actually enjoy RDJ's speech. I can't help finding the whole cast ridiculously charming, in fact.

I read this all prepared to be outraged that America had stolen Hole in the Wall and given it a misleading name, only to come away feeling saddened.

I… procured it. I remember really enjoying the original Warblers because they were a real life acapella group, headed by a guy I vaguely recalled seeing on YouTube.

I'd forgotten how fast Michele had to talk in the first season. When does she breath?!

Thank you for reminding me that Santana, one half of the lesbian power couple on this show, once fought with another girl over Incredible Mohawk Man. This show is batshit crazy.