Leftenant Pepper

Oooooh, all the songs from "Hamilton"! I'll get random lines stuck in my head at stupid times (currently it's "screw your courage to the sticking place" if anyone is interested) and have to listen to the song before I go nuts. Then it's the whole album and I'm crying over 'It's Quiet Uptown' in public again.

There's an interview with either the fight or stunt coordinator for Downey specifically when he's in the suit where they mention that in Civil War, Iron Man very specifically isn't going for the kill attacks in his fights.
Which is cool, but when two super soldiers are beating the shit out of you, it might be time to

The arch nemisis of "He Save Bread" man?

Eve and Annalise are the cutest. If we do not get an orgy, then I want more dates that don't involve potential murderers.

I was very excited by the slightly bigger roles for Q and Moneypenny because the two actors are so fantastic and did very well with very little in Skyfall. And for the first two thirds of the film they were great! They injected some humour even! Then they just disappear from the action, which feels

I still enjoy Asher! There are dozens of us! DOZENS. He's getting that depth, though I'm very squicked out by the idea that he took part in the gang rape of Tiffany at Trotter Lake. His scene with his dad was fantastic though, and I like the parallels to the Annalise and Wes scene; one parent abandons, the other weird

Obviously. Laurel swishes in when they need another badass. Oliver and Connor subtly try to leave her and Michaela in a room alone because "SHE NEEDS THAT ORGASM, OLIVER!"

Give us the orgy! Give us the orgy!
Even though it came from a moment of fear, I really enjoy the moments when the Murder 4 actually joke around with one another. They're always nice character moments and help them seem less like four people that only stick together because they once killed a dude and covered it up

Connor, with his shiny new moral compass would never allow it. Michaela might even help, since she'd never want to lose the opportunity to mock Connor with someone!

The whole episode was elevated by Annalise's angry "what, you don't know how to use your boobs?" B, for that line alone.

The man basically crooned into the microphone every time he had to monologue to Barry. Enticing is right.

And in at least one case, they were already dead in this world. Closing loopholes with murder!

I love how this show goes whole hog on the cheesy moments; Jay putting on the helmet, complete with big grin and swelling music was a wonderful little moment.


Good YA books that actually sustained their momentum. I really enjoyed the final book too, as the ending actually felt like an ending, rather than a plot that could feasibly be picked up again once the author ran out of other book ideas.

I have no steady income and I would still happily throw money in Fuller's direction.

Like Double Dips? The stick inevitably got infused with the orange and cherry flavour and it was the best thing ever.

No no, the real news this week was Nicki calling out Miley on stage, who then dragged her right back. Also, Kanye West might be running for president.

Bloody barely counts. It's the training wheels of swearing, as you can say it in a classroom and get only a stern look. It's more an exclamation than a curse.

If the Go Compare man ever spawned children, this is what they would sound like.