Leftenant Pepper

Every time there is a 'romantic' moment between Athelstan and Judith I want to roll myself off of a ship mast. Making Athelstan more sexual is a logical place to take his character, but sleeping with a married woman is a step too far.

I'm one of those poor souls that stuck through to the end and have never been able to explain why.


Aw, they could have been together before though!
I personally like them as bros that did the do a lot and eventually settled into a BFFdom for the ages.

Everybody dies! It's great, the whole universe dies and is reborn.
I can't imagine Thor dying in A2, which is why he's now number 3 on my most likely to die list.

It must be Alison Motherfucking Hendricks. Few characters can bury a body in their garage, torture someone in their crafts room and get some face macing in and yet remain so middle class about it all.

I can't even listen to the songs. Lea Michele's 'Make You Feel My Love' in particular is absolutely heartbreaking and I have no idea how she managed to record it.

I broke up with a boyfriend the day before Valentine's once because I had feelings for his friend and didn't feel right staying with him.

Nobody else background checks their neighbours, just in case? Just me?

Agent Chad Michael Murray. What a dick. I hope Peggy punches him again.

I have very fond memories of this movie, especially the song "You and Me", which I'm told I cried at almost every time I saw it. Which is why I will never watch it again, as all the magic will be gone and I'll be forced to recognise that the main character was irritating as hell.
I will, however, keep this song on my

She is very reminiscent of Penelope. And now that's how I'm going to refer to her forever more.
Proto-Garcia spinoff! Six seasons and a movie!

Doctor Faustus is my favourite kind of villain. The insidious old dude that manipulates the shit out of you for his own ends is a weirdly terrifying concept for me, so the grand majority of this episode was spent clutching a pillow.

Anything that gets Totally Fucked, complete with chair jumping, on the big screen would be a'okay with me.

The show sure does know how to build up tension, I'll give it that. I didn't realise I was holding my breath until Laurel got the text. EDIT: And with the ring! I hyperventilated along with Michaela.
Good episode, and I'm glad Bonnie figured it out. No one is subtle at all and to keep her ignorant for much longer

At this point I don't even dislike Laurel. I just don't care. Couldn't even muster up a halfhearted cheer during the opening bear down. So… congratulations, writers?
The Thea and Oliver subplot was my favourite part. Glad there was no chance of instant death for Thea hearing the truth and we got a couple of Speedy

This is the second time in as many days that I've admitted to watching Teen Wolf. Such trashy goodness, I love it. And yes, O'Brien would be very, very good at both sides, but we would have to invent a time machine first.
I think his Maze Runner duties make him a no go though, to my sadness.

Well, when Atwell states "Peggy Loves Angie" you sort of just have to go with it.

Oohhh yeah. Angie brings the humor, something that would be sorely missed if we were left with just the SSR crew and Jarvis. Which isn't to say they aren't funny, but Angie's brazen humor is more charming to me.

I really wanted this not to be true, but the internet ruined that illusion.
I still enjoy the Garfield butt, even if it does not reach the levels of his stuntman.